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Add a functionality to the aggregation node to extract a slice and to compute the inner area.
catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
enable: true # Enable or disable the slice extraction and the area computation
traj_length: 1. # Length of trajectory to consider to define the slice plane
width: 0.2 # Width of the pointcloud slice to take to create the slice projection
max_dist: 4. # Maximal distance of the points from the trajectory position onto the slice plane
angle_resolution: 3. # Resolution of the slice in degrees from the trajectory position
roslaunch lidar_slam slam_ouster.launch outdoor:=false aggregate:=true
rosbag play --clock -d 2 path/to/fast-filtered.bag.bag /wire_converted:=wheel_odom
rostopic echo /slice_area
Problem when doing back and forth and points were acquired on the robot. In a future MR the aggregation node should be updated so the close points are removed.