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ProcessUNIX.c 83.8 KiB
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/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.  See accompanying
   file Copyright.txt or for details.  */
#include "kwsysPrivate.h"
#include KWSYS_HEADER(Process.h)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(System.h)
/* Work-around CMake dependency scanning limitation.  This must
   duplicate the above list of headers.  */
#if 0
#include ""
#include ""

Implementation for UNIX
On UNIX, a child process is forked to exec the program.  Three output
pipes are read by the parent process using a select call to block
until data are ready.  Two of the pipes are stdout and stderr for the
child.  The third is a special pipe populated by a signal handler to
indicate that a child has terminated.  This is used in conjunction
with the timeout on the select call to implement a timeout for program
even when it closes stdout and stderr and at the same time avoiding



We cannot create the pipeline of processes in suspended states.  How
do we cleanup processes already started when one fails to load?  Right
now we are just killing them, which is probably not the right thing to


#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
/* Increase the file descriptor limit for select() before including
   related system headers. (Default: 64) */
#define FD_SETSIZE 16384
#include <assert.h>    /* assert */
#include <ctype.h>     /* isspace */
#include <dirent.h>    /* DIR, dirent */
#include <errno.h>     /* errno */
#include <fcntl.h>     /* fcntl */
#include <signal.h>    /* sigaction */
#include <stddef.h>    /* ptrdiff_t */
#include <stdio.h>     /* snprintf */
#include <stdlib.h>    /* malloc, free */
#include <string.h>    /* strdup, strerror, memset */
#include <sys/stat.h>  /* open mode */
#include <sys/time.h>  /* struct timeval */
#include <sys/types.h> /* pid_t, fd_set */
#include <sys/wait.h>  /* waitpid */
#include <time.h>      /* gettimeofday */
#include <unistd.h>    /* pipe, close, fork, execvp, select, _exit */
#if defined(__VMS)
typedef ptrdiff_t kwsysProcess_ptrdiff_t;
typedef int kwsysProcess_ptrdiff_t;

typedef ssize_t kwsysProcess_ssize_t;
typedef int kwsysProcess_ssize_t;

#if defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(__ZETA__)
/* BeOS 5 doesn't have usleep(), but it has snooze(), which is identical. */
#include <be/kernel/OS.h>
static inline void kwsysProcess_usleep(unsigned int msec)
#define kwsysProcess_usleep usleep

 * BeOS's select() works like WinSock: it's for networking only, and
 * doesn't work with Unix file handles...socket and file handles are
 * different namespaces (the same descriptor means different things in
 * each context!)
 * So on Unix-like systems where select() is flakey, we'll set the
 * pipes' file handles to be non-blocking and just poll them directly
 * without select().
#if !defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(__VMS) && !defined(__MINT__) &&            \
/* Some platforms do not have siginfo on their signal handlers.  */
#if defined(SA_SIGINFO) && !defined(__BEOS__)
/* The number of pipes for the child's output.  The standard stdout
   and stderr pipes are the first two.  One more pipe is used to
   detect when the child process has terminated.  The third pipe is
   not given to the child process, so it cannot close it until it
   terminates.  */

/* The maximum amount to read from a pipe at a time.  */

/* Keep track of times using a signed representation.  Switch to the
   native (possibly unsigned) representation only when calling native
   functions.  */
typedef struct timeval kwsysProcessTimeNative;
typedef struct kwsysProcessTime_s kwsysProcessTime;
struct kwsysProcessTime_s
  long tv_sec;
  long tv_usec;
typedef struct kwsysProcessCreateInformation_s
  int StdIn;
  int StdOut;
  int StdErr;
  int ErrorPipe[2];
} kwsysProcessCreateInformation;

static void kwsysProcessVolatileFree(volatile void* p);
static int kwsysProcessInitialize(kwsysProcess* cp);
static void kwsysProcessCleanup(kwsysProcess* cp, int error);
static void kwsysProcessCleanupDescriptor(int* pfd);
static void kwsysProcessClosePipes(kwsysProcess* cp);
static int kwsysProcessSetNonBlocking(int fd);
static int kwsysProcessCreate(kwsysProcess* cp, int prIndex,
                              kwsysProcessCreateInformation* si);
static void kwsysProcessDestroy(kwsysProcess* cp);
static int kwsysProcessSetupOutputPipeFile(int* p, const char* name);
static int kwsysProcessSetupOutputPipeNative(int* p, int des[2]);
static int kwsysProcessGetTimeoutTime(kwsysProcess* cp, double* userTimeout,
                                      kwsysProcessTime* timeoutTime);
static int kwsysProcessGetTimeoutLeft(kwsysProcessTime* timeoutTime,
                                      double* userTimeout,
                                      kwsysProcessTimeNative* timeoutLength,
                                      int zeroIsExpired);
static kwsysProcessTime kwsysProcessTimeGetCurrent(void);
static double kwsysProcessTimeToDouble(kwsysProcessTime t);
static kwsysProcessTime kwsysProcessTimeFromDouble(double d);
static int kwsysProcessTimeLess(kwsysProcessTime in1, kwsysProcessTime in2);
static kwsysProcessTime kwsysProcessTimeAdd(kwsysProcessTime in1,
                                            kwsysProcessTime in2);
static kwsysProcessTime kwsysProcessTimeSubtract(kwsysProcessTime in1,
                                                 kwsysProcessTime in2);
static void kwsysProcessSetExitExceptionByIndex(kwsysProcess* cp, int sig,
                                                int idx);
static void kwsysProcessChildErrorExit(int errorPipe);
static void kwsysProcessRestoreDefaultSignalHandlers(void);
static pid_t kwsysProcessFork(kwsysProcess* cp,
                              kwsysProcessCreateInformation* si);
static void kwsysProcessKill(pid_t process_id);
#if defined(__VMS)
static int kwsysProcessSetVMSFeature(const char* name, int value);
static int kwsysProcessesAdd(kwsysProcess* cp);
static void kwsysProcessesRemove(kwsysProcess* cp);
static void kwsysProcessesSignalHandler(int signum, siginfo_t* info,
                                        void* ucontext);
static void kwsysProcessesSignalHandler(int signum);
/* A structure containing results data for each process.  */
typedef struct kwsysProcessResults_s kwsysProcessResults;
struct kwsysProcessResults_s
  /* The status of the child process. */
  int State;

  /* The exceptional behavior that terminated the process, if any.  */
  int ExitException;

  /* The process exit code.  */
  int ExitCode;

  /* The process return code, if any.  */
  int ExitValue;

  /* Description for the ExitException.  */
  char ExitExceptionString[KWSYSPE_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];

/* Structure containing data used to implement the child's execution.  */
struct kwsysProcess_s
  /* The command lines to execute.  */
  char*** Commands;
  volatile int NumberOfCommands;
  /* Descriptors for the read ends of the child's output pipes and
     the signal pipe. */
  int PipeReadEnds[KWSYSPE_PIPE_COUNT];
  /* Descriptors for the child's ends of the pipes.
     Used temporarily during process creation.  */
  int PipeChildStd[3];

  /* Write descriptor for child termination signal pipe.  */
  int SignalPipe;

  /* Buffer for pipe data.  */

  /* Process IDs returned by the calls to fork.  Everything is volatile
     because the signal handler accesses them.  You must be very careful
     when reaping PIDs or modifying this array to avoid race conditions.  */
  volatile pid_t* volatile ForkPIDs;
  /* Flag for whether the children were terminated by a faild select.  */
  int SelectError;
  /* The timeout length.  */

  /* The working directory for the process. */
  char* WorkingDirectory;
  /* Whether to create the child as a detached process.  */
  int OptionDetach;

  /* Whether the child was created as a detached process.  */
  int Detached;

  /* Whether to treat command lines as verbatim.  */
  int Verbatim;

  /* Whether to merge stdout/stderr of the child.  */
  int MergeOutput;

  /* Whether to create the process in a new process group.  */
  volatile sig_atomic_t CreateProcessGroup;

  /* Time at which the child started.  Negative for no timeout.  */
  kwsysProcessTime StartTime;
  /* Time at which the child will timeout.  Negative for no timeout.  */
  kwsysProcessTime TimeoutTime;
  /* Flag for whether the timeout expired.  */
  int TimeoutExpired;
  /* The number of pipes left open during execution.  */
  int PipesLeft;
  /* File descriptor set for call to select.  */
  fd_set PipeSet;
  /* The number of children still executing.  */
  int CommandsLeft;

  /* The status of the process structure.  Must be atomic because
     the signal handler checks this to avoid a race.  */
  volatile sig_atomic_t State;
  /* Whether the process was killed.  */
  volatile sig_atomic_t Killed;
  /* Buffer for error message in case of failure.  */
  char ErrorMessage[KWSYSPE_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
  /* process results.  */
  kwsysProcessResults* ProcessResults;
  /* The exit codes of each child process in the pipeline.  */
  int* CommandExitCodes;

  /* Name of files to which stdin and stdout pipes are attached.  */
  char* PipeFileSTDIN;
  char* PipeFileSTDOUT;
  char* PipeFileSTDERR;

  /* Whether each pipe is shared with the parent process.  */
  int PipeSharedSTDIN;
  int PipeSharedSTDOUT;
  int PipeSharedSTDERR;

  /* Native pipes provided by the user.  */
  int PipeNativeSTDIN[2];
  int PipeNativeSTDOUT[2];
  int PipeNativeSTDERR[2];

  /* The real working directory of this process.  */
  int RealWorkingDirectoryLength;
  char* RealWorkingDirectory;
kwsysProcess* kwsysProcess_New(void)
  /* Allocate a process control structure.  */
  kwsysProcess* cp = (kwsysProcess*)malloc(sizeof(kwsysProcess));
  memset(cp, 0, sizeof(kwsysProcess));

  /* Share stdin with the parent process by default.  */
  cp->PipeSharedSTDIN = 1;

  /* No native pipes by default.  */
  cp->PipeNativeSTDIN[0] = -1;
  cp->PipeNativeSTDIN[1] = -1;
  cp->PipeNativeSTDOUT[0] = -1;
  cp->PipeNativeSTDOUT[1] = -1;
  cp->PipeNativeSTDERR[0] = -1;
  cp->PipeNativeSTDERR[1] = -1;

  cp->State = kwsysProcess_State_Starting;
  return cp;

void kwsysProcess_Delete(kwsysProcess* cp)
  /* Make sure we have an instance.  */
  /* If the process is executing, wait for it to finish.  */
  if (cp->State == kwsysProcess_State_Executing) {
    if (cp->Detached) {
  /* Free memory.  */
  kwsysProcess_SetCommand(cp, 0);
  kwsysProcess_SetWorkingDirectory(cp, 0);
  kwsysProcess_SetPipeFile(cp, kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDIN, 0);
  kwsysProcess_SetPipeFile(cp, kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDOUT, 0);
  kwsysProcess_SetPipeFile(cp, kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDERR, 0);
  if (cp->CommandExitCodes) {
int kwsysProcess_SetCommand(kwsysProcess* cp, char const* const* command)
  for (i = 0; i < cp->NumberOfCommands; ++i) {
  if (cp->Commands) {
    cp->Commands = 0;
    return kwsysProcess_AddCommand(cp, command);
  return 1;

int kwsysProcess_AddCommand(kwsysProcess* cp, char const* const* command)
  int newNumberOfCommands;
  char*** newCommands;

  /* Make sure we have a command to add.  */
  if (!cp || !command || !*command) {

  /* Allocate a new array for command pointers.  */
  newNumberOfCommands = cp->NumberOfCommands + 1;
  if (!(newCommands =
          (char***)malloc(sizeof(char**) * (size_t)(newNumberOfCommands)))) {

  /* Copy any existing commands into the new array.  */
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < cp->NumberOfCommands; ++i) {
      newCommands[i] = cp->Commands[i];
  if (cp->Verbatim) {
    /* In order to run the given command line verbatim we need to
       parse it.  */
    newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands] =
      kwsysSystem_Parse_CommandForUnix(*command, 0);
    if (!newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands] ||
        !newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands][0]) {
      /* Out of memory or no command parsed.  */
    /* Copy each argument string individually.  */
    char const* const* c = command;
    kwsysProcess_ptrdiff_t n = 0;
    kwsysProcess_ptrdiff_t i = 0;
Francois Bertel's avatar
Francois Bertel committed
    newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands] =
      (char**)malloc((size_t)(n + 1) * sizeof(char*));
    if (!newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands]) {
      /* Out of memory.  */
      return 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      assert(command[i]); /* Quiet Clang scan-build. */
      newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands][i] = strdup(command[i]);
      if (!newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands][i]) {
      for (; i > 0; --i) {
        free(newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands][i - 1]);
    newCommands[cp->NumberOfCommands][n] = 0;

  /* Successfully allocated new command array.  Free the old array. */
  cp->Commands = newCommands;
  cp->NumberOfCommands = newNumberOfCommands;

  return 1;

void kwsysProcess_SetTimeout(kwsysProcess* cp, double timeout)
  cp->Timeout = timeout;
  if (cp->Timeout < 0) {
    cp->Timeout = 0;
  // Force recomputation of TimeoutTime.
  cp->TimeoutTime.tv_sec = -1;
int kwsysProcess_SetWorkingDirectory(kwsysProcess* cp, const char* dir)
  if (cp->WorkingDirectory == dir) {
  if (cp->WorkingDirectory && dir && strcmp(cp->WorkingDirectory, dir) == 0) {
  if (cp->WorkingDirectory) {
    cp->WorkingDirectory = 0;
    cp->WorkingDirectory = (char*)malloc(strlen(dir) + 1);
    if (!cp->WorkingDirectory) {
    strcpy(cp->WorkingDirectory, dir);
int kwsysProcess_SetPipeFile(kwsysProcess* cp, int prPipe, const char* file)
  switch (prPipe) {
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDIN:
      pfile = &cp->PipeFileSTDIN;
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDOUT:
      pfile = &cp->PipeFileSTDOUT;
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDERR:
      pfile = &cp->PipeFileSTDERR;
      return 0;
  if (*pfile) {
  if (file) {
    *pfile = (char*)malloc(strlen(file) + 1);
    if (!*pfile) {
    strcpy(*pfile, file);
  /* If we are redirecting the pipe, do not share it or use a native
     pipe.  */
    kwsysProcess_SetPipeNative(cp, prPipe, 0);
    kwsysProcess_SetPipeShared(cp, prPipe, 0);
void kwsysProcess_SetPipeShared(kwsysProcess* cp, int prPipe, int shared)
  switch (prPipe) {
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDIN:
      cp->PipeSharedSTDIN = shared ? 1 : 0;
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDOUT:
      cp->PipeSharedSTDOUT = shared ? 1 : 0;
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDERR:
      cp->PipeSharedSTDERR = shared ? 1 : 0;
  /* If we are sharing the pipe, do not redirect it to a file or use a
     native pipe.  */
    kwsysProcess_SetPipeFile(cp, prPipe, 0);
    kwsysProcess_SetPipeNative(cp, prPipe, 0);

void kwsysProcess_SetPipeNative(kwsysProcess* cp, int prPipe, int p[2])
  int* pPipeNative = 0;

  switch (prPipe) {
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDIN:
      pPipeNative = cp->PipeNativeSTDIN;
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDOUT:
      pPipeNative = cp->PipeNativeSTDOUT;
    case kwsysProcess_Pipe_STDERR:
      pPipeNative = cp->PipeNativeSTDERR;

  /* Copy the native pipe descriptors provided.  */
    pPipeNative[0] = p[0];
    pPipeNative[1] = p[1];
    pPipeNative[0] = -1;
    pPipeNative[1] = -1;

  /* If we are using a native pipe, do not share it or redirect it to
     a file.  */
    kwsysProcess_SetPipeFile(cp, prPipe, 0);
    kwsysProcess_SetPipeShared(cp, prPipe, 0);
int kwsysProcess_GetOption(kwsysProcess* cp, int optionId)
  switch (optionId) {
    case kwsysProcess_Option_Detach:
      return cp->OptionDetach;
    case kwsysProcess_Option_MergeOutput:
      return cp->MergeOutput;
    case kwsysProcess_Option_Verbatim:
      return cp->Verbatim;
    case kwsysProcess_Option_CreateProcessGroup:
      return cp->CreateProcessGroup;

void kwsysProcess_SetOption(kwsysProcess* cp, int optionId, int value)
  switch (optionId) {
    case kwsysProcess_Option_Detach:
      cp->OptionDetach = value;
    case kwsysProcess_Option_MergeOutput:
      cp->MergeOutput = value;
    case kwsysProcess_Option_Verbatim:
      cp->Verbatim = value;
    case kwsysProcess_Option_CreateProcessGroup:
      cp->CreateProcessGroup = value;
int kwsysProcess_GetState(kwsysProcess* cp)
  return cp ? cp->State : kwsysProcess_State_Error;
int kwsysProcess_GetExitException(kwsysProcess* cp)
  return (cp && cp->ProcessResults && (cp->NumberOfCommands > 0))
    ? cp->ProcessResults[cp->NumberOfCommands - 1].ExitException
    : kwsysProcess_Exception_Other;
int kwsysProcess_GetExitCode(kwsysProcess* cp)
  return (cp && cp->ProcessResults && (cp->NumberOfCommands > 0))
    ? cp->ProcessResults[cp->NumberOfCommands - 1].ExitCode
    : 0;
int kwsysProcess_GetExitValue(kwsysProcess* cp)
  return (cp && cp->ProcessResults && (cp->NumberOfCommands > 0))
    ? cp->ProcessResults[cp->NumberOfCommands - 1].ExitValue
    : -1;
const char* kwsysProcess_GetErrorString(kwsysProcess* cp)
    return "Process management structure could not be allocated";
  } else if (cp->State == kwsysProcess_State_Error) {
  return "Success";

const char* kwsysProcess_GetExceptionString(kwsysProcess* cp)
  if (!(cp && cp->ProcessResults && (cp->NumberOfCommands > 0))) {
    return "GetExceptionString called with NULL process management structure";
  } else if (cp->State == kwsysProcess_State_Exception) {
    return cp->ProcessResults[cp->NumberOfCommands - 1].ExitExceptionString;
/* the index should be in array bound. */
#define KWSYSPE_IDX_CHK(RET)                                                  \
  if (!cp || idx >= cp->NumberOfCommands || idx < 0) {                        \
    return RET;                                                               \

int kwsysProcess_GetStateByIndex(kwsysProcess* cp, int idx)
  return cp->ProcessResults[idx].State;

int kwsysProcess_GetExitExceptionByIndex(kwsysProcess* cp, int idx)
  return cp->ProcessResults[idx].ExitException;

int kwsysProcess_GetExitValueByIndex(kwsysProcess* cp, int idx)
  return cp->ProcessResults[idx].ExitValue;

int kwsysProcess_GetExitCodeByIndex(kwsysProcess* cp, int idx)
  return cp->CommandExitCodes[idx];

const char* kwsysProcess_GetExceptionStringByIndex(kwsysProcess* cp, int idx)
  KWSYSPE_IDX_CHK("GetExceptionString called with NULL process management "
                  "structure or index out of bound")
  if (cp->ProcessResults[idx].State == kwsysProcess_StateByIndex_Exception) {
    return cp->ProcessResults[idx].ExitExceptionString;
  return "No exception";


void kwsysProcess_Execute(kwsysProcess* cp)
  int i;
  /* Do not execute a second copy simultaneously.  */
  if (!cp || cp->State == kwsysProcess_State_Executing) {
  /* Make sure we have something to run.  */
  if (cp->NumberOfCommands < 1) {
    strcpy(cp->ErrorMessage, "No command");
    cp->State = kwsysProcess_State_Error;
  /* Initialize the control structure for a new process.  */
  if (!kwsysProcessInitialize(cp)) {
    strcpy(cp->ErrorMessage, "Out of memory");
    cp->State = kwsysProcess_State_Error;
#if defined(__VMS)
  /* Make sure pipes behave like streams on VMS.  */
  if (!kwsysProcessSetVMSFeature("DECC$STREAM_PIPE", 1)) {
    kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
  /* Save the real working directory of this process and change to
     the working directory for the child processes.  This is needed
     to make pipe file paths evaluate correctly.  */
  if (cp->WorkingDirectory) {
    if (!getcwd(cp->RealWorkingDirectory,
                (size_t)(cp->RealWorkingDirectoryLength))) {

    /* Some platforms specify that the chdir call may be
       interrupted.  Repeat the call until it finishes.  */
    while (((r = chdir(cp->WorkingDirectory)) < 0) && (errno == EINTR))
    if (r < 0) {
  /* If not running a detached child, add this object to the global
     set of process objects that wish to be notified when a child
     exits.  */
  if (!cp->OptionDetach) {
    if (!kwsysProcessesAdd(cp)) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
  /* Setup the stdin pipe for the first process.  */
  if (cp->PipeFileSTDIN) {
    /* Open a file for the child's stdin to read.  */
    cp->PipeChildStd[0] = open(cp->PipeFileSTDIN, O_RDONLY);
    if (cp->PipeChildStd[0] < 0) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);

    /* Set close-on-exec flag on the pipe's end.  */
    if (fcntl(cp->PipeChildStd[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
  } else if (cp->PipeSharedSTDIN) {
    cp->PipeChildStd[0] = 0;
  } else if (cp->PipeNativeSTDIN[0] >= 0) {
    cp->PipeChildStd[0] = cp->PipeNativeSTDIN[0];

    /* Set close-on-exec flag on the pipe's ends.  The read end will
       be dup2-ed into the stdin descriptor after the fork but before
       the exec.  */
    if ((fcntl(cp->PipeNativeSTDIN[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) ||
        (fcntl(cp->PipeNativeSTDIN[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
    cp->PipeChildStd[0] = -1;

  /* Create the output pipe for the last process.
     We always create this so the pipe can be passed to select even if
     it will report closed immediately.  */
    /* Create the pipe.  */
    int p[2];
    if (pipe(p KWSYSPE_VMS_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
    /* Store the pipe.  */
    cp->PipeReadEnds[KWSYSPE_PIPE_STDOUT] = p[0];
    cp->PipeChildStd[1] = p[1];
    /* Set close-on-exec flag on the pipe's ends.  */
    if ((fcntl(p[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) ||
        (fcntl(p[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
    /* Set to non-blocking in case select lies, or for the polling
       implementation.  */
    if (!kwsysProcessSetNonBlocking(p[0])) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
  if (cp->PipeFileSTDOUT) {
    /* Use a file for stdout.  */
    if (!kwsysProcessSetupOutputPipeFile(&cp->PipeChildStd[1],
                                         cp->PipeFileSTDOUT)) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
  } else if (cp->PipeSharedSTDOUT) {
    /* Use the parent stdout.  */
    cp->PipeChildStd[1] = 1;
  } else if (cp->PipeNativeSTDOUT[1] >= 0) {
    /* Use the given descriptor for stdout.  */
    if (!kwsysProcessSetupOutputPipeNative(&cp->PipeChildStd[1],
                                           cp->PipeNativeSTDOUT)) {
  /* Create stderr pipe to be shared by all processes in the pipeline.
     We always create this so the pipe can be passed to select even if
     it will report closed immediately.  */
    /* Create the pipe.  */
    int p[2];
    if (pipe(p KWSYSPE_VMS_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
    /* Store the pipe.  */
    cp->PipeReadEnds[KWSYSPE_PIPE_STDERR] = p[0];
    cp->PipeChildStd[2] = p[1];
    /* Set close-on-exec flag on the pipe's ends.  */
    if ((fcntl(p[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) ||
        (fcntl(p[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
    /* Set to non-blocking in case select lies, or for the polling
       implementation.  */
    if (!kwsysProcessSetNonBlocking(p[0])) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
  if (cp->PipeFileSTDERR) {
    /* Use a file for stderr.  */
    if (!kwsysProcessSetupOutputPipeFile(&cp->PipeChildStd[2],
                                         cp->PipeFileSTDERR)) {
      kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
  } else if (cp->PipeSharedSTDERR) {
    /* Use the parent stderr.  */
    cp->PipeChildStd[2] = 2;
  } else if (cp->PipeNativeSTDERR[1] >= 0) {
    /* Use the given handle for stderr.  */
    if (!kwsysProcessSetupOutputPipeNative(&cp->PipeChildStd[2],
                                           cp->PipeNativeSTDERR)) {
  /* The timeout period starts now.  */
  cp->StartTime = kwsysProcessTimeGetCurrent();
  cp->TimeoutTime.tv_sec = -1;
  cp->TimeoutTime.tv_usec = -1;
  /* Create the pipeline of processes.  */
    kwsysProcessCreateInformation si = { -1, -1, -1, { -1, -1 } };
    int nextStdIn = cp->PipeChildStd[0];
    for (i = 0; i < cp->NumberOfCommands; ++i) {
      /* Setup the process's pipes.  */
      si.StdIn = nextStdIn;
      if (i == cp->NumberOfCommands - 1) {
        nextStdIn = -1;
        si.StdOut = cp->PipeChildStd[1];
      } else {
        /* Create a pipe to sit between the children.  */
        int p[2] = { -1, -1 };
        if (pipe(p KWSYSPE_VMS_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
          if (nextStdIn != cp->PipeChildStd[0]) {
          kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
        /* Set close-on-exec flag on the pipe's ends.  */
        if ((fcntl(p[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) ||
            (fcntl(p[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)) {
          if (nextStdIn != cp->PipeChildStd[0]) {
          kwsysProcessCleanup(cp, 1);
        nextStdIn = p[0];
        si.StdOut = p[1];
      si.StdErr = cp->MergeOutput ? cp->PipeChildStd[1] : cp->PipeChildStd[2];
        int res = kwsysProcessCreate(cp, i, &si);
        /* Close our copies of pipes used between children.  */
        if (si.StdIn != cp->PipeChildStd[0]) {
        if (si.StdOut != cp->PipeChildStd[1]) {
        if (si.StdErr != cp->PipeChildStd[2] && !cp->MergeOutput) {

        if (!res) {