- Apr 13, 2016
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Minor fixes to returning references to locals in various places.
- Apr 12, 2016
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Adds tet-tri map and all the support functionality that it needs
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Adds Tetra-Triangular mesh map. TODO: Code check and add tests
- Apr 08, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
(1) `SimulationManager::startSimulation()` will check if a Viewer is already rendering, and will only start a rendering/interaction loop in the main thread if it isn't. This allows us to work with two possible cases: (a) a QT Application with an existing widget for rendering, in which case we do not want to control the rendering window ourself in a loop (b) a standalone `vtkRenderWindow` application, in which case we do want to create a window when our simulation starts and loop until the window is closed. (2) `SimulationManager::startSimulation()` can be launched with a debug boolean option (off by default), which will allow to not automatically simulate the dynamics of the scene, to be able to interact with the scene beforehand (using the mouse). (3) `imstk::InteractorStyle` is based on vtkInteractorStyle specifically the trackballCamera and allows to ignore mouse events in simulation mode, and uses key events to control the simulation: 's' : start simulation 'e' : end simulation ' ' (space) : pause/run simulation (4) The `Viewer` class and the `InteractorStyle` class have been moved to the `SimulationManager` module, since they are more drivers of the application themselves. (5) The 'Sandbox' example has been refactored to make it easier to test autonomous tests, and updated to use the new driver architecture brought with this commit.
- Apr 07, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- SIMULATION adds the object actors and set the interactor style to no interactions. - DEBUG adds additional actors to visualize lights, the camera, axis, and set the interactor style to trackball to interact with the scene.
Alexis Girault authored
- Apr 05, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
Light still a WIP
- Apr 04, 2016
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Adds visual tests for Isometric mapping
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Changes names of math constants
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Uses imstk defined math constants
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Adds geometry map base class and isometriMap Signed-off-by:
Sreekanth Arikatla <sreekanth.arikatla@kitware.com>
- Apr 01, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
- Mar 29, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Mar 28, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
Can directly used to create visual objects. Also use unordered_map in SimulationManager.
- Mar 23, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Was not applying the quaternion on the good side.
Alexis Girault authored
- Mar 22, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Mar 17, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Mar 09, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Uses a dummy implementation of imstkScene to test a module execution in multithreading.
- Mar 03, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Jan 28, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
form each UnitTest directory to avoid warning C4138 in windows.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
in order to facilitate the creation of device servers and clients.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
- Jan 26, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Use configuration path for examples in order to locate configurations files. Modify AVMNidus, FEMSimulator and Shaders examples. Small fixes all over the place.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Alexis Girault authored
- This calls `VTKRenderer::setRenderWindow`. Needed to use a vtkRenderWindow from another instance (example : for a QT application, use QVTKWidget renderwindow) - Rename `VTKViewer::getRenderWindow` to `getVtkRenderWindow` - Use internal functions in `getVtkCamera` and `getVtkRenderer`
- Jan 25, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Allows for the following workflow : 1) Create a `VRPNDeviceClient` by specifying its URL (name@ipadress) and its type (see `DeviceType` class). The subclass `VRPNForceDevice` is setting the style to `PHANTOM_OMNI` by default for now. 2) Create a `VRPNDeviceServer` 3) Call `VRPNDeviceServer::addDeviceClient()` to add the client created on step 1). This will analyse the IP, name, and type of the device client to instantiate a VRPN device connection. The added devices are then stored in three `std:map` so the `mainloop()` can be called during the execution. Updated their use in `FEMSimulator` and `LaparoscopicCamera` examples.
- Jan 24, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Many are formating changes and others are bug fixes as well as some refactoring.
- Jan 22, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
from SimMedTK to iMSTK. Modify the license notice in each file. Add LICENSE file.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
from SimMedTK to iMSTK. Modify the license notice in each file. Add LICENSE file.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
by examples and unit tests.
- Jan 20, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Revert some changes and make it build, run FEMSimulator example CollisionContext/CMakeLists.txt was contributed by Sreekanth.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
iMSTK time stepping method.
Ricardo Ortiz authored