- Jan 26, 2017
Alexis Girault authored
The main bottleneck with real-time VTK rendering so far appeared to be the normals computation. This commit addresses that issue by making use of the latest normals computation filter in VTK: vtkTriangleMeshPointNormals. While this filter is much (5 to 16 times) faster than vtkPolyDataNormals, it does not check for consistency in the cell orientations that could cause inverted normals, which is why the vtkPolyDataNormals is called once in the surfacemesh renderdelegate to retrieve consistent cells for the input mesh. See VTK merge request for more information : vtk/vtk!2271 PS: That MR requires the latest commits from VTK master, which does not include work made on texture wrap mode nor on multi texture attributes yet: - vtk@62a7ecd8 - vtk@ae373026
- Nov 14, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
define "StdVectorOfxxx" for all eigen matrix structures used in iMSTK within std::vector. See http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox-devel/group__TopicStlContainers.html Requires to update SCCD to commit 645508940 which also updates its vec3 structure.
- Nov 10, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
googletest git repository was using the SSH protocol instead of HTTPS, which requires users to add an ssh_key on github.com. We switch all those external projects to HTTPS protocol, but keep the ones hosted by ourselves on gitlab.kitware.com in SSH since we might be contributing back to those during development.
- Nov 08, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
With the superbuild architecture, the inner project is not added as a subdirectory in the superbuild project, but configured through ExternalProject_Add(). For this reason, the CTestTestfile.cmake at the top level (superbuild project) does not add the Innerbuild directory in which there is another CTestTestfile.cmake referencing the tests of the inner project. This commit includes the file `imstkCTestAddInnerbuild.cmake.in` which calls `subdirs()` on the Innerbuild directory. That file is configured in the top-level build directory, and added as the TEST_INCLUDE_FILE property to that directory. This will include that file to the top-level CTestTestfile.cmake, which will therefore be able to reach the CTestTestfile.cmake in the Innerbuild directory when running ctest. Use this commit to also only solve external dependencies in the superbuild tree, no need to to it in the innerbuild tree.
Alexis Girault authored
By adding testing source files in the same directory than the target source files, those first ones were included in the target executables by mistake.
Alexis Girault authored
ctests would currently only be created for each test file, but the GTEST_ADD_TESTS function[1] could allow to register all gtests as independent tests. [1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/module/FindGTest.html However, that function would not allow the use of a driver executable, since it would force the `gtest_filter` flag to appear right after the executable name in the command, while a driver executable would need the name of the test file beforehand. This commit introduces a custom version of GTEST_ADD_TESTS where `extra_args` is called before the `gtest_filter` flag to allow the use of an executable driver. Note: as noted in the doc above[1], testing each gtest is slow since they all necessite the startup of an executable. The previous option of testing per file is therefore kept but commented. A future focus of interest could be to customize `add_test` to then run all gtests at once like GoogleTest does by default.
Alexis Girault authored
Allows to create tests in iMSTK using google test and ctest. Ctests are created by test files, and not by gtest functions. Requirements: - Requires a 'Testing' subdirectory with cpp files for each class to test. - Google Test and Google Mock should be used to create unit tests, see the documentation below: https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/Documentation.md https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googlemock/docs/Documentation.md - Test files should be constructed as described under\ `imstk_add_test()` declaration
Alexis Girault authored
- Oct 17, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
FindVRPN: The order in which the libraries were found was creating an compilation error during linking on Linux, as well as windows when being read from an external project. iMSTKConfig.cmake.in: ${PROJECT_NAME} would not be set to "iMSTK" from an external project. External_VRPN: VRPN_BUILD_SERVERS:BOOL was defined twice in imstk_add_external_project(VRPN)
- Oct 03, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Fixes #66
Alexis Girault authored
- Sep 29, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Integrate the following commit: iMSTK/VegaFEM-CMake@7bc1bda6 Also remove useless iMSTK_EXTERNAL_PROJECTS_PATHS variable in External/CMakeLists.txt
Alexis Girault authored
Using a git branch name for an external project would update the repository of that external project when building iMSTK even though it would not be tested. By hardcoding a certain commit #, we can make sure we need to specifically update the external project git_tag to update the external project. This commit updates to the newer version of VegaFEM which should resolve some errors: iMSTK/VegaFEM-CMake@d1ab0858
- Sep 27, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
On some windows systems, the command `cmake -E copy` within `copy_ftd2xx_static_command` renames the ftd2xx.lib file as `lib\${BUILD_TYPE}` instead of copying it within the directory of the same name. Because of this, the directory can not be created in the future for other libraries, explaining the high number of compilation errors (~50)
- Sep 22, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Sep 21, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
LibNifalcon should link against ftd2xx and not libusb1 on Windows. Add ftd2xx as an external project (binaries). Works with the newest versions of VRPN and LibNiFalcon
Alexis Girault authored
- Jul 12, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
After rebasing on dynamics-sprint, the following errors appeared: - change from VecNf to VectorF - wrongfully placed 'virtual' in MassSpringForceModel - wrongfully placed '#endif' in MassSpringForceModel - missing include in NonLinearSolver - error in constructor in NonLinearSystem - error in Eigen include in TimeIntegrator - error in VTK remote address in External_VTK.cmake
Alexis Girault authored
- Jun 15, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Also build VRPN servers target to build vrpn_phantom, and correct call to vrpn_Phantom in VRPNDeviceServer
Alexis Girault authored
- Jun 06, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Removed in SCCD external project since not supported on Mac.
- Jun 02, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Still need to connect callbacks to retrieve collision data.
- May 29, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- May 11, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
PR: https://github.com/libnifalcon/libnifalcon/pull/46 Based on improve-cmake that was merged: https://github.com/libnifalcon/libnifalcon/pull/43
- May 10, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- May 09, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
- May 07, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
LibNiFalcon is an external project dependency on every system.
Alexis Girault authored
On Mac and Linux, libusb1 would be found with other names.
- May 06, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
Needed for VRPN. Use fork made for cmake improvements and plan for a pull request: https://github.com/agirault/libnifalcon/tree/improve-cmake
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
Could not link against hidapi on windows (setupapi) Not sure about the need for libusb1 on windows. Comments added to FindVRPN to analyze what is happening.
Alexis Girault authored
Alexis Girault authored
1) Only output to CMAKE_XXX_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without worrying about CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES 2) Use CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR to correctly set CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH after the change 1) 3) Use mark_as_superbuild() to pass variables to external projects and innerbuild. (${PROJECT_NAME}_EP_ARGS) 4) Remove unecessary steps in eigen project (only includes, no lib) 5) Use standard imstkAddExternalProject for Uncrustify (not tested)
Alexis Girault authored
- May 04, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- May 03, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Apr 15, 2016
Alexis Girault authored