- Jan 20, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
classes. Also create a SimulationManager in charge of running the simulation.
- Jan 11, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Also replace GL/glew by vtk_glew in Core/RenderDetail - Remove empty first line in those
- Dec 11, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Add namespace to matrices. Closes #61
- Dec 08, 2015
Alexis Girault authored
Removing RenderDelegates, OpenGLRenderer, OpenGLViewer
Alexis Girault authored
- need glew.h in Core/RenderDetail for GLint - need to link against Geometry in AVMNidus - remove duplicated library in Rendering
- Dec 03, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
- Dec 02, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
- Dec 01, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
The reason why the libusb1 was not found by find_* was strangely because of the veriable name. Seem that find_* do not like numers in the name. Fix rebase conflicts.
Alexis Girault authored
Gives reference to sf::Image
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Sreekanth Arikatla authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Add cmake logic so Assimp zlib can be found in release mode.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Also enable and test force feedback.
Sean Radigan authored
SimMedTK is using VRPN compiling properly. Most of the VRPN stuff is compiling, but linking has some issues. Somehow VRPN is adding libs that doesn't exist to the VS project for linking. WIP Adds basic reading functionality from a networked phantom omni. Some misc changes happened in this commitsuch as some namespace changes and framework start up and shutdown flow. Added a vrpnPhantomController. Abstracted out renderCube a little because it gets used in other places. Fixed a few compiler warnings
- Nov 04, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Many other cmake improvements. Fix GLEW/GLU dependency mess. Set build configuration variables and pass down to to superbuild external projects. 1. Removing GLEW external project. Glew is now built with vtk, in order to use it just include the vtk use file and add the vtkglew library to the target link directive. 2. BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is now forced to be OFF for Windows MSVC builds. Build external shared libs in order to avoid linking issues in windows.
- Oct 30, 2015
Sean Radigan authored
- Oct 27, 2015
Sean Radigan authored
Also abstracted out some of the RTT code and put it in the example lib.
- Oct 22, 2015
Sean Radigan authored
Sean Radigan authored
-Has some general fixes(wrong types and stuff). -Fixes the in-house openGL renderer. -Fixes Oculus support. -Moved around some stuff in the renderers. -Generalized RenderCube to be an example scene so all the other cube based examples can use common code.
- Sep 17, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
- Sep 01, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
delegates. The way render delegates need a bit of work.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Automating the way renderers are loaded. Fix broken tests. The renderCube example is broken now. Submitting patch soon. Revert to build command in the Superbuild so that parallel build work again.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
This data mapper allows you to map external data into the vtkDataArray. This in turn allows you to interface with vtk without repacking the simulatordata. Clean up and implement a pimpl VtkRenderer to hide redering implementation. Replace core::StdVector3d with std::vector<core::Vec3d> because eigen 3d vector array is aligned by default so no special allocator is needed. See core::StdVector3d for more details.
- Jul 23, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
- Jul 21, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Also renmamed many unseen sm* class names.