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SLAM in LidarView



Introduction and contents

This repo contains LiDAR-only visual SLAM developped by Kitware, as well as ROS and ParaView wrappings for easier use.

It has been successfully tested on data from several common LiDAR sensors:

  • Velodyne (VLP-16, VLP-32c, HDL-32, HDL-64, VLS-128)
  • Ouster (OS0/1/2-32/64/128)
  • RoboSense (RS-LiDAR-16 RS-LiDAR-32)
  • Hesai (PandarXT16, PandarXT32, Pandar128)

Have a look at our SLAM demo video!

This codebase is under active development. If you're interested by new features, new sensors' support or any project that could be using this SLAM, do not hesitate to contact us at

Repo contents :

  • slam_lib/ : core LidarSlam library containing SLAM algorithm and other utilities.
  • superbuild/ : Cross-platform installer.
  • ros_wrapping/ : ROS packages to enable SLAM use on a ROS system.
  • ros2_wrapping/: ROS2 packages to enable SLAM use on a ROS2 system.
  • paraview_wrapping/ : ParaView plugin to enable SLAM use with ParaView/LidarView.
  • ci/ : continuous integration files to automatically build and check LidarSlam lib.
  • CMakeLists.txt : CMakeLists used to call to build core LidarSlam lib and paraview_wrapping.

Core SLAM lib


Dependencies are listed in the table below along with the version used during development and testing. Minimum required versions have not been determined yet.

Dependency Minimum tested Version
Eigen3 3.3.4
Ceres 1.13.0
PCL 1.8
nanoflann 1.3.0
g2o* 1.0.0 (master)
OpenMP* 2.0
gtsam* 4.2a8
OpenCV* 4.5.4

(*) optional dependencies :

  • If G2O is not available (or disabled), LidarSlam lib will still be compiled, but without pose graph optimization features.
  • If GTSAM is not available (or disabled), LidarSlam lib will still be compiled, but without IMU processing features.
  • If OpenCV is not available (or disabled), LidarSlam lib will still be compiled, but without camera features.
  • If OpenMP is available, it is possible to use multi-threading to run some SLAM steps in parallel and achieve higher processing speed.
  • If OpenCV is not available (or disabled), LidarSlam lib will still be compiled, but without camera integration.

/!\ Warning Make sure to compile/install G2O with the same Ceres version as the one used in the SLAM compilation. To do so, disable the feature G2O_USE_VENDORED_CERES during G2O compilation and link against the right version of Ceres.


The LidarSlam lib has been tested on Linux, Windows and OS X.

First, got to your workspace directory and clone the SLAM repository.

git clone src --recursive

With system dependencies

To build only LidarSlam lib using your system dependencies, run :

cmake -E make_directory build && cd build
cmake ../src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . -j

NOTE : On Windows, if some dependencies were installed using vcpkg, the variable CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE must be specified : cmake ../src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[vcpkg-install]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake

With local dependencies

You can link to the local libraries you have installed adding cmake flags. Notably with Ceres and G2O:

cmake ../src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCeres_DIR=path/to/CeresConfig.cmake -Dg2o_DIR=path/to/g2oConfig.cmake

With Superbuild

In your workspace, run :

cmake -E make_directory build && cd build
cmake ../src/slam-superbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . -j

NOTE: By default in the superbuild, mandatory dependencies are installed but optional dependencies are not. You can decide which dependencies to install with the superbuild using the options INSTALL_XX. For example, to not build PCL:

cmake ../src/slam-superbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DINSTALL_PCL=OFF

Note that installing and enabling an optional dependency is not the same. If you want to install and enable the use of an optional dependency you need to switch two variables to ON : INSTALL_XX and ENABLE_XX.

Example for GTSAM :

cmake ../src/slam-superbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DINSTALL_GTSAM=ON -DENABLE_GTSAM=ON

More documentation about the superbuild can be found here.

ROS wrapping

The ROS1 wrapping has been tested on Linux only.


Ensure all LidarSlam mandatory dependencies are respected (see next sections to do it). Specific ROS packages' dependencies are listed in the table below along with the version used during development and testing.

Dependency Tested Versions Install (sudo apt-get install <pkg>) status
ROS melodic, noetic ros-$ROS_DISTRO-desktop-full and tutorial mandatory
pcl-ros 1.7.4 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pcl-ros mandatory
geodesy 0.5.3 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-geodesy mandatory
gps_common 0.3.0 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-gps-common optional
apriltag 3.2.0 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-apriltag optional
g2o 5.3 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libg2o optional

For Velodyne usage, please note that the ROS Velodyne driver with minimum version 1.6 is needed. Be careful, this ROS Velodyne driver 1.6 is not backward-compatible with previous versions. If you're running on Ubuntu 20 / ROS Noetic, you can install the new Velodyne driver using the command sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-velodyne ros-$ROS_DISTRO-velodyne-pcl. If running on previous versions of Ubuntu/ROS (18/Melodic and below), you need to compile this driver from source : just clone the git repo in your catkin worskpace sources, it will be automatically built with next catkin_make or catkin build.

For Ouster usage, the driver can be found in this git repo


Clone this git repo directly into your catkin workspace (called catkin_ws in the following), under the src directory

cmake -E make_directory catkin_ws && cd catkin_ws
git clone src/slam --recursive

The next sections describe how to install the dependencies (mandatory and/or optional) and to build the SLAM packages with the needed features. The first step is to install pcl-ros and geodesy before performing any of the next sections. Example with apt : sudo apt-get install -y ros-$ROS_VERSION-pcl-ros ros-$ROS_VERSION-geodesy

NOTE : Boost, g2o, Eigen, Ceres and PCL should be already resolved at this point.

With system dependencies

This applies if you have installed all the dependencies on your system, e.g. when you download binaries (with apt or other).

NOTE : The only mandatory missing dependency at this point should be nanoflann. Example to install it with apt : sudo apt-get install -y libnanoflann-dev.

Run catkin_make --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo or catkin_make --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (to turn on optimizations, highly recommended when using Eigen). The same can be done with catkin build. By default, this will build LidarSlam lib before ROS packages. If you want to use your system LidarSlam, you need to set the cmake variable BUILD_SLAM_LIB to OFF : catkin_make --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SLAM_LIB=OFF

With local dependencies

This applies if you have built and installed some of the dependencies locally on your disk. You can use local dependencies for Slam lib by passing their path to cmake.

Example for Ceres and g2o :

catkin_make -j --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  -DCeres_DIR=path/to/CeresConfig.cmake -Dg2o_DIR=path/to/g2oConfig.cmake
catkin build -j --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCeres_DIR=path/to/CeresConfig.cmake -Dg2o_DIR=path/to/g2oConfig.cmake

Advanced: If you want to use a local version of LidarSlam library you can specify to the lidar_slam package not to build it and supply the path to the LidarSlam cmake file :

catkin build -j --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SLAM_LIB=OFF -DLidarSlam_DIR=path/to/LidarSlam.cmake

With Superbuild

This applies if you have some missing dependencies and you don't want any of the previous solutions. The superbuild that is provided allows to download, build and install them locally so it can be used to build the SLAM packages afterwards. All the mandatory and optional dependencies can be installed by the superbuild. One can choose the one he wants to install with the variables INSTALL_XX (example with PCL below).

WARNING It is not possible to use PCL from the superbuild (this would create runtime issues with system version).

WARNING The superbuild must be installed outside of catkin workspace.

Example in parent directory of your catkin workspace (e.g. catkin_ws/..) :

# Build Superbuild to install the dependencies locally
cmake -E make_directory SB-build && cd SB-build
cmake ../catkin_ws/src/slam/slam-superbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DINSTALL_PCL=OFF
cmake --build . -j
# Build Slam ROS package using superbuild installed dependencies
cd ../catkin_ws
catkin_make -j --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSUPERBUILD_INSTALL_DIR=absolute/path/to/SB-build/install
catkin build -j --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSUPERBUILD_INSTALL_DIR=absolute/path/to/SB-build/install

Advanced : The default behavior is that the ROS wrapping builds the SLAM library, but the superbuild can also install the SLAM library. It is possible to use the superbuild one by setting the BUILD_SLAM_SHARED_LIB variable to ON in superbuild build and BUILD_SLAM_LIB to OFF in ROS wrapping build.

Example :

cmake -E make_directory SB-build && cd SB-build
cmake ../catkin_ws/src/slam/slam-superbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DINSTALL_PCL=OFF -DBUILD_SLAM_SHARED_LIB=ON
cmake --build . -j
cd ../catkin_ws
catkin build -j --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSUPERBUILD_INSTALL_DIR=absolute/path/to/SB-build/install -DBUILD_SLAM_LIB=OFF

Live usage

For Velodyne :

roslaunch lidar_slam slam_velodyne.launch use_sim_time:=false
roslaunch lidar_slam slam_velodyne.launch use_sim_time:=false gps:=true   # if GPS/SLAM calibration has to be run

For Ouster :

roslaunch lidar_slam slam_ouster.launch replay:=false
roslaunch lidar_slam slam_ouster.launch replay:=false gps:=true   # if GPS/SLAM calibration has to be run

See ros_wrapping/lidar_slam/ for more details.

ROS2 wrapping on Linux


Ensure all LidarSlam dependencies are respected (see next sections to do so). Specific ROS packages dependencies are listed in the table below along with the version used during development and testing.

Dependency Tested Versions Install (sudo apt-get install <pkg>) status
ROS humble/iron ros-$ROS_DISTRO-desktop-full mandatory
pcl-ros 1.7.4 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pcl-ros mandatory
gps_common 0.3.0 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-gps-common optional
apriltag 3.2.0 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-apriltag optional
g2o 5.3 ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libg2o optional

For Velodyne usage, please note that the ROS Velodyne driver with minimum version 1.6 is needed. Be careful, this ROS Velodyne driver 1.6 is not backward-compatible with previous versions. You can install the new Velodyne driver using the command sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-velodyne.

For Ouster usage, the driver can be found in this git repo. We recommand to build it on another workspace but you can also clone it under the ros2_wrapping folder and build it at the same time as the SLAM.


Clone this git repo directly into your colcon workspace (called colcon_ws in the following), under the src directory

cmake -E make_directory colcon_ws && cd colcon_ws
git clone src/slam --recursive -b feat/ROS2

The next sections describe how to install the dependencies (mandatory and/or optional) and to build the SLAM packages with the needed features. The first step is to install pcl-ros before performing any of the next sections. Example with apt : sudo apt-get install -y ros-$ROS_VERSION-pcl-ros

NOTE : Boost, g2o, Eigen, Ceres and PCL should be already resolved at this point with previous installations.

With system dependencies

This applies if you have installed all the dependencies on your system, e.g. when you download binaries (with apt or other).

NOTE : The only mandatory missing dependency should be nanoflann at this point. Example to install it with apt : sudo apt-get install -y libnanoflann-dev.

Run colcon build --base-paths src/slam/ros2_wrapping or colcon build --base-paths src/slam/ros2_wrapping --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (to turn on optimizations, highly recommended when using Eigen). the variable base_paths must point to the path of the ros2_wrapping folder. By default, this will build LidarSlam lib before ROS2 packages. If you want to use your system LidarSlam, you need to set the cmake variable BUILD_SLAM_LIB to OFF : colcon build --base-paths src/slam/ros2_wrapping --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SLAM_LIB=OFF

With local dependencies

This applies if you have built and installed some of the dependencies locally on your disk. You can use local dependencies for Slam lib by passing their path to cmake.

Example for Ceres and g2o :

colcon build --base-paths src/slam/ros2_wrapping --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCeres_DIR=path/to/CeresConfig.cmake -Dg2o_DIR=path/to/g2oConfig.cmake

If you want to use a local version of LidarSlam library you can specify to the package not to build it and supply the path to the LidarSlam cmake file :

colcon build --base-paths src/slam/ros2_wrapping --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SLAM_LIB=OFF -DLidarSlam_DIR=path/to/LidarSlam.cmake

With Superbuild

This applies if you have some missing dependencies and you don't want any of the previous solutions. The superbuild that is provided allows to download, build and install them locally so it can be used to build the SLAM packages afterwards. All the mandatory AND optional dependencies can be installed by the superbuild. One can choose the one he wants to install with the variables INSTALL_XX (example with PCL below).

WARNING It is not possible to use PCL from the superbuild (this would create runtime issues with system version).

WARNING The superbuild must be installed outside of catkin workspace.

Full installation with superbuild example :

# Clone project
git clone ros2_ws/src/slam --recursive
# Build Superbuild to install dependencies locally
cmake -E make_directory SB-build && cd SB-build
cmake ../ros2_ws/src/slam/slam-superbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DINSTALL_PCL=OFF
cmake --build . -j
# Build Slam ROS package pointing to the superbuild install directory
cd ../ros2_ws
call path\to\ros2_humble\local_setup.bat
colcon build --base-paths src/slam/ros2_wrapping --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSUPERBUILD_INSTALL_DIR=absolute/path/to/SB-build/install

The default behavior is that the ROS2 wrapping builds the SLAM library, but the superbuild can also install the SLAM library. It is possible to use the superbuild one by setting the BUILD_SLAM_SHARED_LIB variable to ON in superbuild build and BUILD_SLAM_LIB to OFF in ROS wrapping build.

Example :

mkdir SB-build && cd SB-build
cmake ../ws_ros2/src/slam/slam-superbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DINSTALL_PCL=OFF -DBUILD_SLAM_SHARED_LIB=ON
cmake --build . -j
cd ../ws_ros2
colcon build --base-paths src/slam/ros2_wrapping --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSUPERBUILD_INSTALL_DIR=absolute/path/to/SB-build/install -DBUILD_SLAM_LIB=OFF

Live usage

For Velodyne :

ros2 launch lidar_slam use_sim_time:=false
ros2 lidar_slam use_sim_time:=false gps:=true   # if GPS/SLAM calibration has to be run

For Ouster :

ros2 launch lidar_slam replay:=false
ros2 launch lidar_slam replay:=false gps:=true   # if GPS/SLAM calibration has to be run

See ros2_wrapping/lidar_slam/ for more details.

ROS2 wrapping on Windows 10

This wrapping has been tested on Humble version of ROS2.


  • ROS2 is supported on Windows 10 but many packages are not ported and the installation can be tricky.
  • The slam_visualization plugin is not available on Windows

NOTE : Always use administrator rights x64_x86 Cross Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019

Install dependencies

Install ROS2 and slam dependencies

Install ROS2 humble version by following official instructions