- Dec 21, 2020
This commit add some messages to the user : - An instruction message - If an empty json file is saved. - If there is no property to display (if the json file loaded is empty for exemple)
The properties Start and Stop of the Stream are "vtkSMProperty". Casting it into a proxy property raises a warnings that can be confusing for the user.
During "CrashAnalysing" option: If the directory can not be created boost::filesystem raises an error and the application crash. We add a try{} catch{} to avoid that. create_directories will create also the directory tree
Lea Vauchier authored
[feat] Add python example script to detect road and obstacles See merge request !156
- Dec 18, 2020
Nick Laurenson authored
Fix/stream start stop crash See merge request !162
Nick Laurenson authored
When calling multiple times Start(), it may happen, that the receiver thread enqueue packets on the consumer when it hasn't been started. This happen as the consumer thread is destroy (l156) while the receiver thread is still running. In case you are in debug mode and the compiler flag -DNDEBUG isn't set, the assert(this->ConsumerThread && "The receiver thread should be started before the consumer one") explain you what happen.
Nick Laurenson authored
In case the stream hasn't been started, calling stop() result in a segfault as no receiver and consumer thread are instantiated. The same bug was present for the recording.
Julia Sanchez authored
[fix] Fix recording end issues See merge request !160
Julia Sanchez authored
-No special handle is currently done when stream is deleted while recording -The stream is well saved but the UI state is not updated and no pop up warns the user -This commit adds proper recording end when stream is deleted
- Dec 15, 2020
Nicolas Cadart authored
[perf][refactor] Clean and improve CerestCostFunctions See merge request !157
MelanieCarriere authored
[test] Fix Recording Test See merge request !151
MelanieCarriere authored
'long' type does not have the same contained capacity on windows that on linux. This leads to a different behavior on theses OS. There is no real reason why we should let pass value that are equal up to 3600 * 1e6.
MelanieCarriere authored
The recording test used a single LidarStream (so a single Interpreter) The recorded pcap was tested by the same LidarStream (so the same LidarInterpreter) than the one used to generate the recorded file. We now use 2 different Streams/Interpreters. One that test the original pcap, the second test the recorded pcap.
MelanieCarriere authored
Fix enable advanced array reaction See merge request !158
- Dec 14, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
Initialize the "Enable/disable advanced arrays button" according to the default value of the corresponding property of the interpreter. It will avoid "non action" of the UI button, which can be misleading for the user : If the "Enable advanced Array" property is ON by default on a specific interpreter, the first action of the button will be "Enable Advanced Arrays" and it will do nothing.
MelanieCarriere authored
MelanieCarriere authored
- Dec 11, 2020
Nicolas Cadart authored
This file has been massively improved in [SLAM MR 28](keu-computervision/slam!28). These changes clean, simplify and greatly accelerate Ceres Residuals (~40%). This MR aims at reporting these changes in LVCore.
Lea Vauchier authored
Nicolas Cadart authored
Update animation scripts See merge request !153
- Dec 09, 2020
Lea Vauchier authored
Update deprecated code in pcl conversion See merge request !152
- Dec 04, 2020
Nicolas Cadart authored
run_slam.py loads LiDAR pcap recording and runs SLAM on it to generate a 3rd person video.
Nicolas Cadart authored
Add follow_last_pose.py script, using temporal_animation_cue_helpers to follow the last pose of the selected trajectory.
Nicolas Cadart authored
Nicolas Cadart authored
- Dec 03, 2020
Nicolas Cadart authored
Nicolas Cadart authored
Nicolas Cadart authored
Major refactoring of temporal_animation_cue_helper.py to ease animations in LV. Introduce several small generic helpers to simplify writing of PythonAnimationCue. Use animation time instead of view time. Enable tracking the last pose of a trajectory. Add/Update documentation.
- Nov 30, 2020
Lea Vauchier authored
Replace SetTupleValue by SetTypedTuple to avoid building error with vtk7.1: see https://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/VTK-7-1-Changes.html
- Nov 27, 2020
Nicolas Cadart authored
- Update doc - Change default parameters to avoid dataset-specific configurations - Use animation time instead of view time to enable using any animation mode - Add time offset param to deal with most cases where frames timestamps differ from trajectory's - Create output directory if it does not already exist to avoid images saving errors - Rename poorly named 'self.i' attribute to better describing name 'self.pose_idx' - Clean code
MelanieCarriere authored
[fix] Fix loop option of the packet file sender Closes #30 See merge request !150
MelanieCarriere authored
MelanieCarriere authored
The loop options of the PacketfileSender was broken. The pcap filename is open at the creation of the vvPacketSender and close when its delete. We now create a new vvPacketSender for each send.
- Nov 26, 2020
Nick Laurenson authored
[doc] Add contribution.md and .gitmessage template Closes #29 See merge request !132
Nicolas Cadart authored
Using custom animation play mode in LidarView See merge request !148
Nicolas Cadart authored
Going previous/next frame changes animation mode to 'Snap To Timesteps'. This will set the speed factor text to 'All frames'. Currently, user has to set back themselves the desired speed factor using the combo box. This commit restores previous animation play mode after having snaped to previous/next frame, so that user does not have to set it themselves again using the speed factor combo box. Also, if we are in 'Real Time' play mode with for example a speed factor 'x5', and if we click Next frame, the speed factor will blink to 'All frames' before going back to 'x5'. As this blink is noisy, we block all animations signals to keep it unchanged during operation.
Nicolas Cadart authored
Changing speed factor using combo box may lead to animation play mode change. However, if user changes manually the animation play mode, it may be contradictory with the information displayed by the combo box. lqPlayerControlsToolbar now listens to animation play mode changes, and adapt the combo box display accordingly. Furthermore, when a new animations scene is set, lqPlayerControlsToolbar set its PlayMode accordingly with UI speed combo box.
Nicolas Cadart authored
Animation PlayMode and Duration were reset each time Play/Pause buttons were clicked. This prevented using general paraview animations by manually chosing animation settings. Now, the animation PlayMode and Duration is directly updated when the user selects a different playing speed, and Play/Pause buttons have trivial behavior of invoking Play/Pause commands. The animation Duration is also updated when timesteps range changes, e.g. when a new pcap is loaded. NOTE : When upgrading LVCore in your specific LidarView based application, you should consider removing the line `app.scene.UpdateAnimationUsingDataTimeSteps()` in function `applogic.openPCAP()`. Without this change, the speed mode will be set to 'All Frames' when a new pcap will be loaded. By removing this line, the speed mode and animation settings won't be changed, and will be kept as user set them before.
- Nov 25, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
[fix] Allow applying a property to a proxy of the same group in LoadLidarState See merge request !149
MelanieCarriere authored
During loadLidarState function, the property was applied only if a proxy of the same name of the one saved was found in the pipeline. For exemple : If you save the LidarState with a LidarPacketInterpreter i1 and you open a file using a LidarPacketInterpreter i2 The properties saved from i1 couldn't be applied to i2. This commit allows applying the property to a proxy of the same group. If the property is not found in this proxy, the message is still display to the user.