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  • Ben Boeckel's avatar
    Merge topic 'cppcheck-20140919' into master · 6a56978e
    Ben Boeckel authored
    87935c2b TestIncrementalOctreePointLocator: remove dead code
    898b425b vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper2D: comment possible divide-by-zero
    a59bd8c8 vtkReebGraph: add a comment about realloc usage
    529dccb1 vtkParse: address cppcheck messages
    ae3fa6e9 vtkParse: regenerate lex.yy.c
    d6d6e8fc TestIncrementalOctreePointLocator: use malloc
    79abddf1 vtkWrapHierarchy: handle realloc errors properly
    86e47ae8 vtkParsePreprocess: fix up some free() logic for params
    8aa578f3 vtkParsePreprocess: handle realloc errors properly
    d28c44a6 vtkParseMain: close the input file
    9aef0e71 vtkParseMain: handle realloc errors properly
    f4e756f9 vtkResliceCursorRepresentation: avoid divide-by-zero
    b0bd0465 vtkImagePlaneWidget: avoid divide-by-zero
    e736ad42 vtkEnSightWriter: terminate buffers properly
    b4b8206b vtkPLY: handle realloc errors properly
    9a78aa1a vtkSLCReader: plug memory leak