- Jan 22, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
from SimMedTK to iMSTK. Modify the license notice in each file. Add LICENSE file.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
from SimMedTK to iMSTK. Modify the license notice in each file. Add LICENSE file.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
by examples and unit tests.
- Jan 20, 2016
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Implement missing methods and logic.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Revert some changes and make it build, run FEMSimulator example CollisionContext/CMakeLists.txt was contributed by Sreekanth.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Add an alias for a matrix map. Create a templated method in the MeshModel and IOMesh to automatically cast the underlying mesh. Create an interpolate() method in the VegaVolumetricMesh class to interpolate surface of the underlying volumetric mesh with an external surface mesh and clean up the interface. Create a computeGravity() method in the VegaVolumetricMesh class to compute gravity forces. Refactor getVelocity() method in DeformableSceneObject and add a variable to hold the gravity vector. Refactor SceneObject. Add SceneModelRenderDelegate render delegate to take care of renderign operations for this model. Create visual, physics and collision model variables. Remove render delegates from the StaticSceneObject, this is now handled by it base class. Add storage for the gravity force in VegaFEMDeformableSceneObject and initialized properly. Compute internal force by multiplying K*positions instead of calling the vega function. Refactor DefaultSimulator, VegaFEMModelSimulator. This class will be marked obsolete soon.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
classes. Also create a SimulationManager in charge of running the simulation.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
- Jan 11, 2016
Alexis Girault authored
- Also replace GL/glew by vtk_glew in Core/RenderDetail - Remove empty first line in those
- Dec 01, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Update VRPN sha1.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Add cmake logic so Assimp zlib can be found in release mode.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
witht he VRPN interface.
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Work on Integrate ToolCoupler with ObjectSimulartor to implement haptics rendering.
- Oct 30, 2015
Sean Radigan authored
- Jul 21, 2015
Ricardo Ortiz authored
Also renmamed many unseen sm* class names.