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REFAC: Rename MeshToMeshBruteForceCD to ClosedSurfaceMeshToMeshCD

Andrew Wilson requested to merge andrew.wilson/iMSTK:MeshtoMeshRename into master

The CD method needs renaming as it would imply it works for all meshes vs all meshes. We don't not have such a collision detection yet but will in the future. It only works on a Closed SurfaceMesh vs a PointSet, LineMesh, or SurfaceMesh (closed or non). Also the BruteForce is removed as many CD methods are "brute force" but not place it in the name, this is so they can later have a swappable partitioning method.

At least until a later version asking for "MeshToMeshBruteForceCD" from the CD factory will give warnings & return a ClosedSurfaceMeshToMeshCD since strings can cause errors that go completely unnoticed.

Merge request reports
