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Build on Mac OS X

David Thompson requested to merge dcthomp/simmedtk:build-on-os-x into master

This is a large commit (> 200 files changed) that gets things building on Mac OS X. I am still in the process of verifying that things work, but please give it a try on your Linux or Windows system. Things that have changed:

  • smViewer has been split into smViewerBase (in smCore) and smViewer (in smRendering) so that smSDK can own a handle to a viewer without requiring smCore to depend on rendering libraries (our own or OpenGL)
  • smCoreClass subclasses no longer implement initDraw() or draw() because that would introduce dependencies among libraries (and require smCore to rely on OpenGL). Instead smRenderDetail instances implement initDraw() and draw(). Also, ...
  • ... a new class, smFactory, has been added to smCore. It provides a way to obtain an appropriate smViewer and smRenderDetail subclass instance depending on whether an application is linked to libraries that provide them. (Thus, smSDK will have a null viewer unless your application is linked to smRendering.)
  • smUtilities was moved into smCore because there were too many interdependent classes for these libraries to be separate
  • several classes from other libraries have moved to smCore (smCollisionPair, smCollisionConfig, smCollisionDetection, smEvent, smLight, and more) because they are referenced by smSDK and do not introduce external library dependencies

There are probably some more changes, but these are the major ones.

Merge request reports