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Build VTK as part of the SimMedTK superbuild.

David Thompson requested to merge dcthomp/simmedtk:superbuild-vtk into master

This adds VTK as a dependency of SimMedTK. It is a small-ish build of VTK, with just the kits required by vtkRenderingOpenGL2 (32 in all).


Some things to consider

  1. Are additional kits needed for Ricardo's VTK branch?
  2. CMake will complain that SimMedTK does not use the VTK_DIR setting passed to it from the superbuild. This warning should go away once Ricardo's branch is merged.
  3. Should the OpenGL2 backend be forced? (I assume this would be wise.)
  4. Should VTK be installed to SimMedTK-build? It needs to be installed somewhere so that the lib/cmake/vtk-6.3/VTKConfig.cmake file exists and can be used.

Merge request reports