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First steps with SMTK

David Thompson requested to merge firstStepsWithSMTK into master

This adds no code, but sets up the superbuild to compile the release branch of SMTK.

It also adds a template to the smSimulators library source tree for VegaFEM simulations and links smSimulators to smtkCore and (for now) smtkQtExt. Eventually, it should not link smtkQtExt since that introduces an undesirable dependency.

The next step after this MR is to load the attribute-definition template (using smtk::io::AttributeReader) and create an smtk::attribute::qtAttributeView widget to edit an instance of the attribute definition. Watching the widget for modified() signals can then be used to update the running simulation (or signal the simulation to restart as required).

Note that this MR will conflict with MR !14 (closed) since they both modify CMake files in the same place. It should be simple to resolve.

Merge request reports