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FindMatlab: Revert undocumented and now-unnecessary full version lookup

Partially revert !8805 (merged). It changed matlab_extract_all_installed_versions_from_registry behavior to query VersionInfo.xml for version information. However, the function documentation states that it only uses the registry. It's also not needed since !9148 (merged), which added the same lookup to matlab_get_all_valid_matlab_roots_from_registry.

Original Description

Split out from !9222 (merged)

  • In !8805 (merged), commit dc9d9589 (FindMatlab:WIN32: return full Matlab version when found via registry, 2023-09-14) changed the behavior of matlab_extract_all_installed_versions_from_registry to query VersionInfo.xml for version information
  • The documentation states that no other lookup than the one from the registry is performed, so either the behavior or the documentation should be adjusted.
  • The same lookup is done in matlab_get_all_valid_matlab_roots_from_registry later, so it's not needed at this point
  • This commit partially reverts the behavior to pre-3.28 behavior

Backport: release

Edited by Brad King

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