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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Apr 15, 2020
  2. Apr 01, 2020
  3. Mar 18, 2020
  4. Feb 12, 2020
  5. Dec 18, 2019
  6. Dec 17, 2019
  7. Dec 16, 2019
  8. Nov 18, 2019
  9. Nov 13, 2019
  10. Nov 04, 2019
  11. Oct 28, 2019
  12. Oct 16, 2019
  13. Oct 07, 2019
  14. Sep 27, 2019
  15. Sep 05, 2019
  16. Aug 22, 2019
  17. Jul 26, 2019
    • Haocheng LIU's avatar
      Add a generic adios2 reader to read bp format data as images into vtk · 60c1d7c8
      Haocheng LIU authored
      This commit adds a reader that can read the arrays in the bp file as
      point or cell arrays on a 2d or 3d vtk image. It does not need reader to provide
      and schema infomation. It also supports time step and
      reading in parallel mode. The minimum version of ADIOS2 requirement is 2.4.0.
      The features of this reader is listed as below:
      * The output of the reader is a vtkMultiBlockDataset. It contains a
      vtkMultiPieceDataSet filled with vtkImageData blocks. The number of blocks
      equals to the number of blocks in the adios array.
      * It supports arrays with time steps.
      * It supports 2D and 3D images.
      * The reader can either work in serial or in parllel.
      * Based on the number of processes, it will automatically distribute the
      work evenly among processes.
      * It support row major and column major conversion.
  18. Jun 28, 2019
    • Michael Migliore's avatar
      Improve PBR support · d74deb92
      Michael Migliore authored
      - Fix PBR bugs
      - Provide Equirectangular to cubemap texture to facilitate cubemap
      - Map PBR to OSPRay Principled material
  19. Jun 12, 2019
  20. Jun 05, 2019
    • Cory Quammen's avatar
      ENH: Add vtkWordCloud to Infovos/Core · 76a896d8
      Cory Quammen authored and Bill Lorensen's avatar Bill Lorensen committed
      vtkWordCloud is an Image Source that creates a word cloud.
      Word Clouds, AKA Tag Clouds, are a text visualization technique that displays individual works with properties that depend on the frequency of a word in a document. Numerous options are available, including the color of the words, size of the words, the orientation of the words, font files, and mask files.
      Word Clouds, AKA Tag Clouds, are a text visualization technique that displays individual works with properties that depend on the frequency of a word in a document.  vtkWordCloud varies the font size base on word frequency.
      Word Clouds are useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms in a document. Also, Word Clouds can identify trends and patterns that would otherwise be unclear or difficult to see in a tabular format. Frequently used keywords stand out better in a Word Cloud. Common words that might be overlooked in tabular form are highlighted in the larger text, making them pop out when displayed in a word cloud.
      There is some controversy about the usefulness of word clouds. Their best use may be for presentations. Word clouds can be used to "compare" texts from similar subjects, e.g., Presidential Inaugural Addresses, job candidate comparisons, etc.
      Several methods are available to customize the resulting visualization. The class provides defaults that provide a reasonable result.
      BackgroundColorName - The vtkNamedColors name for the backgound (MidNightBlue).
      BWMask - Mask image has a single channel(false). Mask images typically have three channels (r,g,b).
      ColorDistribution - Distribution of random colors(.6 1.0), if WordColorName is not empty.
      ColorSchemeName - Name of a color scheme from vtkColorSeries to be used to select colors for the words (), if WordColorName is empty.
      DPI -  Dots per inch(200) of the rendered text. DPI is used as a scaling mechanism for the words. As DPI increases, the word size increases. If there are too, few skipped words, increase this value, too many, decrease it.
      FontFileName - If empty, the built-in Arial font is used(). The FontFileName is the name of a file that contains a TrueType font.
      FontMultiplier - Font multiplier(6). The final font size is this value * the word frequency.
      Gap - Space gap of words (2). The gap is the number of spaces added to the beginning and end of each word.
      MaskColorName - Name of the color for the mask (black). This color is the name of the vtkNamedColors that defines the foreground of the mask. Usually black or white.
      MaskFileName - Mask file name(). If a mask file is specified, it will be used as the mask. Otherwise, a black square is used as the mask. The mask file should contain three channels of unsigned char values. If the mask file is just a single unsigned char, specify turn the boolean BWMask on.  If BWmask is on, the class will create a three channel image using vtkImageAppendComponents.
      MaxFontSize - Maximum font size(48).
      MinFontSize - Minimum font size(8).
      MinFrequency - Minimum word frequency accepted(2). Word with frequencies less than this will be ignored.
      OffsetDistribution - Range of uniform random offsets(-size[0]/100.0 -size{1]/100.0)(-20 20). These offsets are offsets from the generated path for word layout.
      OrientationDistribution - Ranges of random orientations(-20 20). If discrete orientations are not defined, these orientations will be generated.
      Orientations - Discrete orientations for displayed words. If present, this overrides OrientationDistribution.
      ReplacementPairs - Replace the first word with another second word (). The first word is also added to the StopList.
      Sizes - Size of image(640 480).
      StopWords - User provided stop words(). vtkWordCloud has built-in stop words. The user-provided stop words are added to the built-in list.
      Title - Add this word to the document's words and set a high frequency, so that is will be rendered first.
      WordColorName - Name of the color for the words(). The name is selected from vtkNamedColors. If the name is empty, the ColorDistribution will generate random colors.
  21. Jun 03, 2019
  22. May 23, 2019
  23. May 10, 2019
  24. May 09, 2019
  25. Apr 30, 2019
  26. Mar 25, 2019
    • Dan Lipsa's avatar
      Address MR comments. · 9c2c6369
      Dan Lipsa authored
      Make point duplication user selectable
      Make tolerance used for point duplication adjustable
      User better name for test PNG.
  27. Mar 19, 2019
  28. Mar 12, 2019
  29. Feb 15, 2019
  30. Feb 14, 2019
    • Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)'s avatar
      Adds a new vtk dataType vtkExplicitStructuredGrid and related filters: · 8af35b88
      Mathieu Westphal (Kitware) authored and Max Zeyen's avatar Max Zeyen committed
      * The new class vtkExplicitStructuredGrid
      * Two new filter vtkImageDataToExplicitStructuredGrid and vtkUnstructuredGridExplicitStructuredGrid for converting to the new type
      * A new filter vtkExplicitStructuredGridToUnstructuredGrid for converting from the new type
      * A new filter vtkExplicitStructuredGridCrop , as a first filter specific to the new type
      * A few tests for these filters
       /* vtkExplicitStructuredGrid is a data object that is a concrete implementation
       * of vtkDataSet. vtkExplicitStructuredGrid represents a geometric structure
       * that is a topologically regular array of hexahedron. The topology is that of
       * a cube that has been subdivided into a regular array of smaller cubes.
       * Each cell can be addressed with i-j-k indices, however neighbor hexahedrons
       * does not necessarily share a face and hexahedron can be blanked (turned-off).
       * Like unstructured grid, vtkExplicitStructuredGrid has explicit point coordinates
       * and cell to point indexing.
       * Unlike unstructured grid, vtkExplicitStructuredGrid does not keep a cell type
       * list as all cells are known to be hexahedra.
       * vtkExplicitStructuredGrid can take advantage of its layout to perform operations
       * based on the i, j, k parameters, similar to structured grid. This makes some
       * operations faster on this class, without loosing the flexibility of the
       * cell -> points mapping.
       * The most common use of this class would be in situations where you have all
       * hexahedra but the points used by the cells are not exactly defined by the
       * i, j, k parameters. One example of this is a structured grid with a half voxel
       * shift occurring in the middle of it such as with a geologic fault.
       * The order and number of points is arbitrary.
       * The order and number of cells must match that specified by the dimensions
       * of the grid minus 1, because in vtk structured datasets the dimensions
       * correspond to the points.
       * The cells order increases in i fastest (from 0 <= i <= dims[0] - 2),
       * then j (0 <= j <= dims[1] - 2), then k ( 0 <= k <= dims[2] - 2) where dims[]
       * are the dimensions of the grid in the i-j-k topological directions.
       * The number of cells is (dims[0] - 1) * (dims[1] - 1) * (dims[2] - 1).
  31. Feb 05, 2019
    • Utkarsh Ayachit's avatar
      add logging infrastructure · f26087e7
      Utkarsh Ayachit authored
      Introducing a logging framework in VTK via the vtkLogger. It provides
      ability for applications based on VTK to generate logs.
      vtkDemandDrivenPipeline, vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline now log
      various pipeline passes on the algorithm when maximum verbosity log is
      being genereted. vtkResourceFileLocator and vtkPythonInterpreter also
      use vtkLogger for logging debugging information.
      Added a test, TestLogger, to test (and demo) the capabiltiies.
      Standard VTK error/warning macros also forward the messages to the
      logging framework. To avoid duplicate messages from being posted to the
      stdout/stderr from vtkOutputWindow and from vtkLogger, added a new
      `display-mode` concept to vtkOutputWindow which allows for a mode to not
      post to terminal for error/warning macros when they are being logged.
  32. Jan 10, 2019
  33. Jan 08, 2019