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Custom module structure

Fixes bug where classes are not written to appropriate submodules on the python side, but instead are all members of the top level module.

Fixes bug where an empty namespace is dropped from CMake target but still referenced in binding code. Occurs when just a class is in namespace as well. Fixes #124 (closed)

Adds option to define python side module structure entirely through the input_wrapper yaml file.

Adds ability to re map arbitrary classes/functions/enums to arbitrary module/submodule on the python side, either a custom module that only exists on the python side, or a different c++ namespace that will be translated to the python bindings. Note that if the option to fully remap the namespace structure is set, the ignore namespace structure flag CANNOT be set, and classes/functions/enums cannot be mapped to other c++ side namespaces.

WIP until the CI passes.

Edited by John Parent

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