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Commit 6f8bdd27 authored by David Cole's avatar David Cole
Browse files

ENH: Add BundleUtilities.cmake and supporting changes to...

ENH: Add BundleUtilities.cmake and supporting changes to GetPrerequisites.cmake. Function copy_and_fixup_bundle in BundleUtilities helps to make standalone bundle applications on the Mac by pulling in prerequisite non-system libraries and frameworks as needed. Uses otool and install_name_tool to do analysis and fixups. Project-specific hooks for deciding where to embed libraries and for resolving item names into full path file names are also provided.
parent 6a0ab340
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# BundleUtilities.cmake
# A collection of CMake utility functions useful for dealing with .app bundles
# on the Mac and bundle-like directories on any OS.
# The following functions are provided by this script:
# get_bundle_main_executable
# get_dotapp_dir
# get_bundle_and_executable
# get_bundle_all_executables
# get_item_key
# clear_bundle_keys
# set_bundle_key_values
# get_bundle_keys
# copy_resolved_item_into_bundle
# fixup_bundle_item
# fixup_bundle
# copy_and_fixup_bundle
# verify_bundle_prerequisites
# verify_bundle_symlinks
# verify_app
# Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function, break and
# PARENT_SCOPE. Also depends on GetPrerequisites.cmake.
# The functions defined in this file depend on the get_prerequisites function
# (and possibly others) found in:
get_filename_component(BundleUtilities_cmake_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
# get_bundle_main_executable
# The result will be the full path name of the bundle's main executable file
# or an "error:" prefixed string if it could not be determined.
function(get_bundle_main_executable bundle result_var)
set(result "error: '${bundle}/Contents/Info.plist' file does not exist")
if(EXISTS "${bundle}/Contents/Info.plist")
set(result "error: no CFBundleExecutable in '${bundle}/Contents/Info.plist' file")
set(line_is_main_executable 0)
set(bundle_executable "")
# Read Info.plist as a list of lines:
set(eol_char "E")
file(READ "${bundle}/Contents/Info.plist" info_plist)
string(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" info_plist "${info_plist}")
string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "${eol_char};" info_plist "${info_plist}")
# Scan the lines for "<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>" - the line after that
# is the name of the main executable.
foreach(line ${info_plist})
string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*<string>(.*)</string>.*$" "\\1" bundle_executable "${line}")
if(line MATCHES "^.*<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>.*$")
set(line_is_main_executable 1)
endif(line MATCHES "^.*<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>.*$")
if(NOT "${bundle_executable}" STREQUAL "")
if(EXISTS "${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/${bundle_executable}")
set(result "${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/${bundle_executable}")
else(EXISTS "${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/${bundle_executable}")
# Ultimate goal:
# If not in "Contents/MacOS" then scan the bundle for matching files. If
# there is only one executable file that matches, then use it, otherwise
# it's an error...
#file(GLOB_RECURSE file_list "${bundle}/${bundle_executable}")
# But for now, pragmatically, it's an error. Expect the main executable
# for the bundle to be in Contents/MacOS, it's an error if it's not:
set(result "error: '${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/${bundle_executable}' does not exist")
endif(EXISTS "${bundle}/Contents/MacOS/${bundle_executable}")
endif(NOT "${bundle_executable}" STREQUAL "")
else(EXISTS "${bundle}/Contents/Info.plist")
# More inclusive technique... (This one would work on Windows and Linux
# too, if a developer followed the typical Mac bundle naming convention...)
# If there is no Info.plist file, try to find an executable with the same
# base name as the .app directory:
endif(EXISTS "${bundle}/Contents/Info.plist")
set(${result_var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# get_dotapp_dir
# Returns the nearest parent dir whose name ends with ".app" given the full path
# to an executable. If there is no such parent dir, then return a dir at the same
# level as the executable, named with the executable's base name and ending with
# ".app"
# The returned directory may or may not exist.
function(get_dotapp_dir exe dotapp_dir_var)
set(s "${exe}")
set(has_dotapp_parent 0)
if(s MATCHES "^.*/.*\\.app/.*$")
set(has_dotapp_parent 1)
endif(s MATCHES "^.*/.*\\.app/.*$")
set(done 0)
while(NOT ${done})
get_filename_component(snamewe "${s}" NAME_WE)
get_filename_component(sname "${s}" NAME)
get_filename_component(sdir "${s}" PATH)
# If there is a ".app" parent directory,
# ascend until we hit it:
# (typical of a Mac bundle executable)
set(s "${sdir}")
if(sname MATCHES "\\.app$")
set(done 1)
set(dotapp_dir "${sdir}/${sname}")
endif(sname MATCHES "\\.app$")
# Otherwise use a directory named the same
# as the exe, but with a ".app" extension:
# (typical of a non-bundle executable on Mac, Windows or Linux)
set(done 1)
set(dotapp_dir "${sdir}/${snamewe}.app")
endwhile(NOT ${done})
set(${dotapp_dir_var} "${dotapp_dir}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# get_bundle_and_executable
# Takes either a ".app" directory name or the name of an executable
# nested inside a ".app" directory and returns the path to the ".app"
# directory in ${bundle_var} and the path to its main executable in
# ${executable_var}
function(get_bundle_and_executable app bundle_var executable_var valid_var)
set(valid 0)
if(EXISTS "${app}")
# Is it a directory ending in .app?
if(IS_DIRECTORY "${app}")
if(app MATCHES "\\.app$")
get_bundle_main_executable("${app}" executable)
if(EXISTS "${app}" AND EXISTS "${executable}")
set(${bundle_var} "${app}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${executable_var} "${executable}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(valid 1)
#message(STATUS "info: handled .app directory case...")
else(EXISTS "${app}" AND EXISTS "${executable}")
message(STATUS "warning: *NOT* handled - .app directory case...")
endif(EXISTS "${app}" AND EXISTS "${executable}")
else(app MATCHES "\\.app$")
message(STATUS "warning: *NOT* handled - directory but not .app case...")
endif(app MATCHES "\\.app$")
else(IS_DIRECTORY "${app}")
# Is it an executable file?
is_file_executable("${app}" is_executable)
get_dotapp_dir("${app}" dotapp_dir)
if(EXISTS "${dotapp_dir}" AND EXISTS "${app}")
set(${bundle_var} "${dotapp_dir}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${executable_var} "${app}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(valid 1)
#message(STATUS "info: handled executable file case...")
else(EXISTS "${dotapp_dir}" AND EXISTS "${app}")
message(STATUS "warning: *NOT* handled - executable file case...")
endif(EXISTS "${dotapp_dir}" AND EXISTS "${app}")
message(STATUS "warning: *NOT* handled - not .app dir, not executable file...")
endif(IS_DIRECTORY "${app}")
else(EXISTS "${app}")
message(STATUS "warning: *NOT* handled - directory/file does not exist...")
endif(EXISTS "${app}")
if(NOT valid)
set(${bundle_var} "error: not a bundle" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${executable_var} "error: not a bundle" PARENT_SCOPE)
endif(NOT valid)
set(${valid_var} ${valid} PARENT_SCOPE)
# get_bundle_all_executables
# Scans the given bundle recursively for all executable files and accumulates
# them into a variable.
function(get_bundle_all_executables bundle exes_var)
set(exes "")
file(GLOB_RECURSE file_list "${bundle}/*")
foreach(f ${file_list})
is_file_executable("${f}" is_executable)
set(exes ${exes} "${f}")
set(${exes_var} "${exes}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# get_item_key
# Given a file (item) name, generate a key that should be unique considering the set of
# libraries that need copying or fixing up to make a bundle standalone. This is
# essentially the file name including extension with "." replaced by "_"
# This key is used as a prefix for CMake variables so that we can associate a set
# of variables with a given item based on its key.
function(get_item_key item key_var)
get_filename_component(item_name "${item}" NAME)
string(REGEX REPLACE "\\." "_" ${key_var} "${item_name}")
set(${key_var} ${${key_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
# clear_bundle_keys
# Loop over the list of keys, clearing all the variables associated with each
# key. After the loop, clear the list of keys itself.
# Caller of get_bundle_keys should call clear_bundle_keys when done with list
# of keys.
function(clear_bundle_keys keys_var)
foreach(key ${${keys_var}})
set(${keys_var} PARENT_SCOPE)
# set_bundle_key_values
# Add a key to the list (if necessary) for the given item. If added,
# also set all the variables associated with that key.
function(set_bundle_key_values keys_var context item exepath dirs copyflag)
get_filename_component(item_name "${item}" NAME)
get_item_key("${item}" key)
list(LENGTH ${keys_var} length_before)
gp_append_unique(${keys_var} "${key}")
list(LENGTH ${keys_var} length_after)
if(NOT length_before EQUAL length_after)
gp_resolve_item("${context}" "${item}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" resolved_item)
gp_item_default_embedded_path("${item}" default_embedded_path)
if(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
# For frameworks, construct the name under the embedded path from the
# opening "${item_name}.framework/" to the closing "/${item_name}":
string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*(${item_name}.framework/.*/${item_name}).*$" "${default_embedded_path}/\\1" embedded_item "${item}")
else(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
# For other items, just use the same name as the original, but in the
# embedded path:
set(embedded_item "${default_embedded_path}/${item_name}")
endif(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
# Replace @executable_path and resolve ".." references:
string(REPLACE "@executable_path" "${exepath}" resolved_embedded_item "${embedded_item}")
get_filename_component(resolved_embedded_item "${resolved_embedded_item}" ABSOLUTE)
# *But* -- if we are not copying, then force resolved_embedded_item to be
# the same as resolved_item. In the case of multiple executables in the
# original bundle, using the default_embedded_path results in looking for
# the resolved executable next to the main bundle executable. This is here
# so that exes in the other sibling directories (like "bin") get fixed up
# properly...
if(NOT copyflag)
set(resolved_embedded_item "${resolved_item}")
endif(NOT copyflag)
set(${keys_var} ${${keys_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${key}_ITEM "${item}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${key}_RESOLVED_ITEM "${resolved_item}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${key}_DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_PATH "${default_embedded_path}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${key}_EMBEDDED_ITEM "${embedded_item}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM "${resolved_embedded_item}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${key}_COPYFLAG "${copyflag}" PARENT_SCOPE)
else(NOT length_before EQUAL length_after)
#message("warning: item key '${key}' already in the list, subsequent references assumed identical to first")
endif(NOT length_before EQUAL length_after)
# get_bundle_keys
# Loop over all the executable and library files within the bundle (and given as
# extra "${libs}") and accumulate a list of keys representing them. Set values
# associated with each key such that we can loop over all of them and copy
# prerequisite libs into the bundle and then do appropriate install_name_tool
# fixups.
function(get_bundle_keys app libs dirs keys_var)
set(${keys_var} PARENT_SCOPE)
get_bundle_and_executable("${app}" bundle executable valid)
# Always use the exepath of the main bundle executable for @executable_path
# replacements:
get_filename_component(exepath "${executable}" PATH)
# But do fixups on all executables in the bundle:
get_bundle_all_executables("${bundle}" exes)
# For each extra lib, accumulate a key as well and then also accumulate
# any of its prerequisites. (Extra libs are typically dynamically loaded
# plugins: libraries that are prerequisites for full runtime functionality
# but that do not show up in otool -L output...)
foreach(lib ${libs})
set_bundle_key_values(${keys_var} "${lib}" "${lib}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" 1)
set(prereqs "")
get_prerequisites("${lib}" prereqs 1 1 "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
foreach(pr ${prereqs})
set_bundle_key_values(${keys_var} "${lib}" "${pr}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" 1)
# For each executable found in the bundle, accumulate keys as we go.
# The list of keys should be complete when all prerequisites of all
# binaries in the bundle have been analyzed.
foreach(exe ${exes})
# Add the exe itself to the keys:
set_bundle_key_values(${keys_var} "${exe}" "${exe}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" 0)
# Add each prerequisite to the keys:
set(prereqs "")
get_prerequisites("${exe}" prereqs 1 1 "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
foreach(pr ${prereqs})
set_bundle_key_values(${keys_var} "${exe}" "${pr}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" 1)
# Propagate values to caller's scope:
set(${keys_var} ${${keys_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
foreach(key ${${keys_var}})
set(${key}_ITEM "${${key}_ITEM}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${key}_COPYFLAG "${${key}_COPYFLAG}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# copy_resolved_item_into_bundle
# Copy a resolved item into the bundle if necessary. Copy is not necessary if the resolved_item
# is the same as the resolved_embedded_item.
function(copy_resolved_item_into_bundle resolved_item resolved_embedded_item)
if("${resolved_item}" STREQUAL "${resolved_embedded_item}")
message(STATUS "warning: resolved_item == resolved_embedded_item - not copying...")
else("${resolved_item}" STREQUAL "${resolved_embedded_item}")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${resolved_item}" "${resolved_embedded_item}")
endif("${resolved_item}" STREQUAL "${resolved_embedded_item}")
# fixup_bundle_item
# Get the direct/non-system prerequisites of the resolved embedded item. For each
# prerequisite, change the way it is referenced to the value of the _EMBEDDED_ITEM
# keyed variable for that prerequisite. (Most likely changing to an "@executable_path"
# style reference.)
# Also, change the id of the item being fixed up to its own _EMBEDDED_ITEM value.
# Accumulate changes in a local variable and make *one* call to install_name_tool
# at the end of the function with all the changes at once.
function(fixup_bundle_item resolved_embedded_item exepath dirs)
# This item's key is "ikey":
get_item_key("${resolved_embedded_item}" ikey)
set(prereqs "")
get_prerequisites("${resolved_embedded_item}" prereqs 1 0 "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
set(changes "")
foreach(pr ${prereqs})
# Each referenced item's key is "rkey" in the loop:
get_item_key("${pr}" rkey)
if(NOT "${${rkey}_EMBEDDED_ITEM}" STREQUAL "")
set(changes ${changes} "-change" "${pr}" "${${rkey}_EMBEDDED_ITEM}")
else(NOT "${${rkey}_EMBEDDED_ITEM}" STREQUAL "")
message("warning: unexpected reference to '${pr}'")
endif(NOT "${${rkey}_EMBEDDED_ITEM}" STREQUAL "")
# Change this item's id and all of its references in one call
# to install_name_tool:
execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool
${changes} -id "${${ikey}_EMBEDDED_ITEM}" "${resolved_embedded_item}"
# fixup_bundle
# Fix up a bundle in-place and make it standalone, such that it can be drag-n-drop
# copied to another machine and run on that machine as long as all of the system
# libraries are compatible.
# Gather all the keys for all the executables and libraries in a bundle, and then,
# for each key, copy each prerequisite into the bundle. Then fix each one up according
# to its own list of prerequisites.
# Then clear all the keys and call verify_app on the final bundle to ensure that
# it is truly standalone.
function(fixup_bundle app libs dirs)
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle")
message(STATUS " app='${app}'")
message(STATUS " libs='${libs}'")
message(STATUS " dirs='${dirs}'")
get_bundle_and_executable("${app}" bundle executable valid)
get_filename_component(exepath "${executable}" PATH)
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: preparing...")
get_bundle_keys("${app}" "${libs}" "${dirs}" keys)
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: copying...")
list(LENGTH keys n)
math(EXPR n ${n}*2)
set(i 0)
foreach(key ${keys})
math(EXPR i ${i}+1)
message(STATUS "${i}/${n}: copying '${${key}_RESOLVED_ITEM}'")
message(STATUS "${i}/${n}: *NOT* copying '${${key}_RESOLVED_ITEM}'")
set(show_status 0)
message(STATUS "key='${key}'")
message(STATUS "item='${${key}_ITEM}'")
message(STATUS "resolved_item='${${key}_RESOLVED_ITEM}'")
message(STATUS "default_embedded_path='${${key}_DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_PATH}'")
message(STATUS "embedded_item='${${key}_EMBEDDED_ITEM}'")
message(STATUS "resolved_embedded_item='${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}'")
message(STATUS "copyflag='${${key}_COPYFLAG}'")
message(STATUS "")
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: fixing...")
foreach(key ${keys})
math(EXPR i ${i}+1)
message(STATUS "${i}/${n}: fixing up '${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}'")
#message(STATUS " exepath='${exepath}'")
fixup_bundle_item("${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: cleaning up...")
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: verifying...")
message(STATUS "error: fixup_bundle: not a valid bundle")
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: done")
# copy_and_fixup_bundle
# Makes a copy of the bundle "src" at location "dst" and then fixes up the
# new copied bundle in-place at "dst"...
function(copy_and_fixup_bundle src dst libs dirs)
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${src}" "${dst}")
fixup_bundle("${dst}" "${libs}" "${dirs}")
# verify_bundle_prerequisites
# Verifies that the sum of all prerequisites of all files inside the bundle
# are contained within the bundle or are "system" libraries, presumed to exist
# everywhere.
function(verify_bundle_prerequisites bundle result_var info_var)
set(result 1)
set(info "")
set(count 0)
get_bundle_main_executable("${bundle}" main_bundle_exe)
file(GLOB_RECURSE file_list "${bundle}/*")
foreach(f ${file_list})
is_file_executable("${f}" is_executable)
get_filename_component(exepath "${f}" PATH)
message(STATUS "executable file: ${f}")
math(EXPR count "${count} + 1")
set(prereqs "")
get_prerequisites("${f}" prereqs 1 1 "${exepath}" "")
# "embedded" and "system" prerequisites are fine... anything else means
# the bundle's prerequisites are not verified (i.e., the bundle is not
# really "standalone")
set(external_prereqs "")
foreach(p ${prereqs})
set(p_type "")
gp_file_type("${f}" "${p}" p_type)
if (NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "embedded" AND NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "system")
set(external_prereqs ${external_prereqs} "${p}")
endif (NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "embedded" AND NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "system")
# Found non-system/non-embedded prerequisites:
set(result 0)
set(info ${info} "non-system/non-embedded prerequisites found:\nf='${f}'\nexternal_prereqs='${external_prereqs}'\n")
set(info "Verified ${count} executable files in '${bundle}'")
set(${result_var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${info_var} "${info}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# verify_bundle_symlinks
# Verifies that any symlinks found in the bundle point to other files that are
# already also in the bundle... Anything that points to an external file causes
# this function to fail the verification.
function(verify_bundle_symlinks bundle result_var info_var)
set(result 1)
set(info "")
set(count 0)
# TODO: implement this function for real...
# Right now, it is just a stub that verifies unconditionally...
set(${result_var} "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${info_var} "${info}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# verify_app
# Verifies that an application appears valid based on running analysis tools on it.
# Calls message/FATAL_ERROR if the application is not verified.
function(verify_app app)
set(verified 0)
set(info "")
get_bundle_and_executable("${app}" bundle executable valid)
message(STATUS "===========================================================================")
message(STATUS "Analyzing app='${app}'")
message(STATUS "bundle='${bundle}'")
message(STATUS "executable='${executable}'")
message(STATUS "valid='${valid}'")
# Verify that the bundle does not have any "external" prerequisites:
verify_bundle_prerequisites("${bundle}" verified info)
message(STATUS "verified='${verified}'")
message(STATUS "info='${info}'")
message(STATUS "")
# Verify that the bundle does not have any symlinks to external files:
verify_bundle_symlinks("${bundle}" verified info)
message(STATUS "verified='${verified}'")
message(STATUS "info='${info}'")
message(STATUS "")
if(NOT verified)
message(FATAL_ERROR "error: verify_app failed")
endif(NOT verified)
......@@ -12,13 +12,16 @@
# gp_append_unique
# gp_file_type
# is_file_executable
# gp_item_default_embedded_path
# (projects can override with gp_item_default_embedded_path_override)
# gp_resolve_item
# (projects can override with gp_resolve_item_override)
# get_prerequisites
# list_prerequisites
# list_prerequisites_by_glob
# Requires CMake 2.5 or greater because it uses function, break, return and
# Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function, break, return and
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.5 FATAL_ERROR)
# gp_append_unique list_var value
......@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ function(is_file_executable file result_var)
endif("${file_full_lower}" MATCHES "\\.(exe|dll)$")
# A clause could be added here that uses output or return value of dumpbin
# to determine ${result_var}. In 95%+ practical cases, the exe|dll name
# to determine ${result_var}. In 99%+? practical cases, the exe|dll name
# match will be sufficient...
......@@ -184,7 +187,171 @@ function(is_file_executable file result_var)
# get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse
# gp_item_default_embedded_path item default_embedded_path_var
# Return the path that others should refer to the item by when the item
# is embedded inside a bundle.
# Override on a per-project basis by providing a project-specific
# gp_item_default_embedded_path_override function.
function(gp_item_default_embedded_path item default_embedded_path_var)
# The assumption here is that all executables in the bundle will be
# in same-level-directories inside the bundle. The parent directory
# of an executable inside the bundle should be MacOS or a sibling of
# MacOS and all embedded paths returned from here will begin with
# "@executable_path/../" and will work from all executables in all
# such same-level-directories inside the bundle.
# By default, embed things right next to the main bundle executable:
set(path "@executable_path/../../Contents/MacOS")
set(overridden 0)
# Embed .dylibs right next to the main bundle executable:
if(item MATCHES "\\.dylib$")
set(path "@executable_path/../MacOS")
set(overridden 1)
endif(item MATCHES "\\.dylib$")
# Embed frameworks in the embedded "Frameworks" directory (sibling of MacOS):
if(NOT overridden)
if(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
set(path "@executable_path/../Frameworks")
set(overridden 1)
endif(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
endif(NOT overridden)
# Provide a hook so that projects can override the default embedded location of
# any given library by whatever logic they choose:
if(COMMAND gp_item_default_embedded_path_override)
gp_item_default_embedded_path_override("${item}" path)
endif(COMMAND gp_item_default_embedded_path_override)
set(${default_embedded_path_var} "${path}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# gp_resolve_item context item exepath dirs resolved_item_var
# Resolve an item into an existing full path file.
# Override on a per-project basis by providing a project-specific
# gp_resolve_item_override function.
function(gp_resolve_item context item exepath dirs resolved_item_var)
set(resolved 0)
set(resolved_item "${item}")
# Is it already resolved?
if(EXISTS "${resolved_item}")
set(resolved 1)
endif(EXISTS "${resolved_item}")
if(NOT resolved)
if(item MATCHES "@executable_path")
# @executable_path references are assumed relative to exepath
string(REPLACE "@executable_path" "${exepath}" ri "${item}")
get_filename_component(ri "${ri}" ABSOLUTE)
if(EXISTS "${ri}")
#message(STATUS "info: embedded item exists (${ri})")
set(resolved 1)
set(resolved_item "${ri}")
else(EXISTS "${ri}")
message(STATUS "info: embedded item does not exist '${ri}'")
endif(EXISTS "${ri}")
endif(item MATCHES "@executable_path")
endif(NOT resolved)
if(NOT resolved)
if(item MATCHES "@loader_path")
# @loader_path references are assumed relative to the
# PATH of the given "context" (presumably another library)
get_filename_component(contextpath "${context}" PATH)
string(REPLACE "@loader_path" "${contextpath}" ri "${item}")
get_filename_component(ri "${ri}" ABSOLUTE)
if(EXISTS "${ri}")
#message(STATUS "info: embedded item exists (${ri})")
set(resolved 1)
set(resolved_item "${ri}")
else(EXISTS "${ri}")
message(STATUS "info: embedded item does not exist '${ri}'")
endif(EXISTS "${ri}")
endif(item MATCHES "@loader_path")
endif(NOT resolved)
if(NOT resolved)
set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
find_file(ri "${item}" ${dirs})
#message(STATUS "info: found item in dirs (${ri})")
set(resolved 1)
set(resolved_item "${ri}")
set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
endif(NOT resolved)
if(NOT resolved)
if(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
set(fw "fw-NOTFOUND")
find_file(fw "${item}"
#message(STATUS "info: found framework (${fw})")
set(resolved 1)
set(resolved_item "${fw}")
set(fw "fw-NOTFOUND")
endif(item MATCHES "[^/]+\\.framework/")
endif(NOT resolved)
# Using find_program on Windows will find dll files that are in the PATH.
# (Converting simple file names into full path names if found.)
if(NOT resolved)
set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
find_program(ri "${item}" PATHS "${dirs}")
set(resolved 1)
set(resolved_item "${ri}")
set(ri "ri-NOTFOUND")
endif(NOT resolved)
# Provide a hook so that projects can override item resolution
# by whatever logic they choose:
if(COMMAND gp_resolve_item_override)
gp_resolve_item_override("${context}" "${item}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" resolved_item resolved)
endif(COMMAND gp_resolve_item_override)
if(NOT resolved)
message(STATUS "warning: cannot resolve item '${item}'")
endif(NOT resolved)
set(${resolved_item_var} "${resolved_item}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse dirs
# Get the list of shared library files required by ${target}. The list in
# the variable named ${prerequisites_var} should be empty on first entry to
......@@ -201,20 +368,26 @@ endfunction(is_file_executable)
# recurse is 0 or 1: 0 for direct prerequisites only, 1 for all prerequisites
# recursively
# optional ARGV4 (verbose) is 0 or 1: 0 to skip informational message output,
# 1 to print it
# exepath is the path to the top level executable used for @executable_path
# replacment on the Mac
function(get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse)
# set(verbose 0)
# if(NOT "${ARGV4}" STREQUAL "")
# message(STATUS "ARGV4='${ARGV4}'")
# set(verbose "${ARGV4}")
# endif(NOT "${ARGV4}" STREQUAL "")
# message(STATUS "verbose='${verbose}'")
# dirs is a list of paths where libraries might be found: these paths are
# searched first when a target without any path info is given. Then standard
# system locations are also searched: PATH, Framework locations, /usr/lib...
function(get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse exepath dirs)
set(verbose 0)
set(eol_char "E")
if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${target}")
message("warning: target '${target}' is not absolute...")
endif(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${target}")
if(NOT EXISTS "${target}")
message("warning: target '${target}' does not exist...")
endif(NOT EXISTS "${target}")
# <setup-gp_tool-vars>
# Try to choose the right tool by default. Caller can set gp_tool prior to
......@@ -340,19 +513,11 @@ function(get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\3" current_patch_version "${raw_current_version}")
endif(gp_regex_cmp_count GREATER 2)
# Using find_program on Windows will find dll files that are in the PATH.
# (Converting simple file names into full path names if found.)
# Use the raw_item as the list entries returned by this function. Use the
# gp_resolve_item function to resolve it to an actual full path file if
# necessary.
set(item "item-NOTFOUND")
find_program(item "${raw_item}" PATHS "${target_dir}")
if(NOT item)
set(item "${raw_item}")
endif(NOT item)
message(STATUS "raw_item='${raw_item}'")
message(STATUS "item='${item}'")
set(item "${raw_item}")
# Add each item unless it is excluded:
......@@ -377,8 +542,12 @@ function(get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse)
# Add it to unseen_prereqs so that we can recursively add *its*
# prerequisites...
# But first: resolve its name to an absolute full path name such
# that the analysis tools can simply accept it as input.
if(NOT list_length_before_append EQUAL list_length_after_append)
set(unseen_prereqs ${unseen_prereqs} "${item}")
gp_resolve_item("${target}" "${item}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}" resolved_item)
set(unseen_prereqs ${unseen_prereqs} "${resolved_item}")
endif(NOT list_length_before_append EQUAL list_length_after_append)
......@@ -394,7 +563,7 @@ function(get_prerequisites target prerequisites_var exclude_system recurse)
set(more_inputs ${unseen_prereqs})
foreach(input ${more_inputs})
get_prerequisites("${input}" ${prerequisites_var} ${exclude_system} ${recurse})
get_prerequisites("${input}" ${prerequisites_var} ${exclude_system} ${recurse} "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
......@@ -441,8 +610,10 @@ function(list_prerequisites target)
set(print_target "${verbose}")
set(type_str "")
get_filename_component(exepath "${target}" PATH)
set(prereqs "")
get_prerequisites("${target}" prereqs ${exclude_system} ${all})
get_prerequisites("${target}" prereqs ${exclude_system} ${all} "${exepath}" "")
message(STATUS "File '${target}' depends on:")
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function(test_cmake_executables)
message(STATUS "")
get_filename_component(cmake_bin_dir "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" PATH)
list_prerequisites_by_glob(GLOB "${cmake_bin_dir}/*" 0 0 1)
list_prerequisites_by_glob(GLOB_RECURSE "${cmake_bin_dir}/*" 1 0 1)
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