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[feat] Add the orthogonal sectioning functionality (button)

Julia Sanchez requested to merge Sectioning into master
  • This functionality is done to be used during or after a SLAM

  • A section is created by the orthogonal sectioning filter from LVCore (see LV-Core MR)

  • A clip filter is created on trajectory and its widget allows the user to choose the origin of the section and the trajectory portion on which to compute the section plane.

  • A new renderView is openned to visualize the section selected in 2D

  • Views reactions are added to insure different visualization when clicking on the renderviews

  • The state (property dock + pipeline browser) is adapted to insure a good visualization

  • A file is added and the button reaction is added to applogic

  • /!\ This functionality needs numpy, maybe we can wait for this module to be shipped in windows ?

  • Waiting for this LV-Core merge to update LV-core

@nick.laurenson @lea.vauchier PTAL

Edited by Julia Sanchez

Merge request reports
