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fix windows compilation

David E. DeMarle requested to merge demarle/xdmf:fix-windows-compilation into master

This one snuck in during the recent big big merge. With the if WIN32 code in the headers, we get errors like C:\PROGRA2\MICROS2.0\VC\bin\cl.exe ....lots skipped....
/FS -c C:\bbd\1c569048\source-paraview\VTK\ThirdParty\xdmf3\vtkxdmf3\core\XdmfHeavyDataDescription.cpp C:\bbd\1c569048\build\install\include\boost-1_56\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp(658) : error C2562: 'boost::shared_ptrLoki::BaseVisitor::operator []' : 'void' function returning a value C:\bbd\1c569048\build\install\include\boost-1_56\boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp(653) : see declaration of 'boost::shared_ptrLoki::BaseVisitor::operator []'

Really really need windows tests on the xdmf dashboard, and xdmf turned on in vtk buildbot. This was only detected all the way up in ParaView pain.

Merge request reports
