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  • Ken Martin's avatar
    Rework the CompositePolyDataMapper2 · 7912d340
    Ken Martin authored
    The old approach used a fast path for a very narrow set of
    conditions and then used a slow path for everything else.
    This approach required two sets of code,
    - GenericCompositePolydataMapper2
    - CompositePolyDataMapper2
    and had performance issues as the slow path was slower
    than OpenGL1 for some cases. This reworking consolidates
    the two approach together. The basic approach is that
    all blocks with the same VBO structure get grouped together
    and rendered as one. The number of different VBO structures is
    small so this results in a a small number of things to render.
    Each of those things (handled with a Helper class) gets rendered
    using its own VBO and IBOs with special code to handle the cases
    where uniforms have to be changed between blocks etc.
    The results are generally much faster. Some additional
    optimizations have resulted in further performance improvements.
    Generally this new class is as fast as the old fast path and
    tens to hundreds of times faster for the slo...