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vtkCamera: Fix head tracking in CAVE environments

When in off-axis projection mode (CAVE mode), the view transform is described completely by the WorldToScreenMatrix, and the camera should not be included. This change removes the camera-derived view matrix from the view transform in off-axis mode so that the camera does not affect head tracking. After this change, users should no longer need to dolly the camera to the origin to get correct head tracking.

This change also separates the projection matrix from the view matrix when in off-axis mode, so it behaves like the projection and view transforms do when in normal camera mode.

Also, when volume rendering in off-axis projection mode, the eye position rather than the camera position should be used as the starting point for casting rays.

New baseline image for TestOffAxisStereo test:


The reason for this is the removal of the eyeSeparationCorrectionFactor of 10.0 which was previously used to scale the amount of eye separation.

Edited by Scott Wittenburg

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