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Improve vtkGeometryFilter

vtkGeometryFilter has the following improvements:

  1. It utilizes the new thread-safe GetCellPoints function for vtkPolyData and vtkUnstructuredGrid which is more performant when the existing vtkCellArray(s) use vtkIdTypeArray, because it avoids copying the data.
  2. For the case of vtkUnstructuredGrid/vtkUnstructuredGridBase, it now utilizes the vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter's algorithm which employs a FaceMemoryPool and a FaceHashMap to detect the boundary faces and detects the boundary faces by marking faces that have been reinserted. The improvements over vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter's approach is 1) that instead of marking the duplicate faces, it deletes them, and 2) that it is multithreaded.
    1. Because of this change, the FastMode for vtkUnstructuredGrid that used the Degree flag is no longer supported.
  3. For the case of 3D vtkImageData/vtkRectilinearGrid/vtkStructuredGrid, it now utilizes the vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter's algorithms for blank or not-blanked data. The improvement over vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter's approach is that it is multithreaded.
  4. It has now optimized memory usage by checking the minimum id type (vtkIdType/int) of pointIds that are required to extract the surface.
  5. It can now properly handle ghost/blanked cells/points, and especially for the case of vtkUnstructuredGrid /vtkUnstructuredGridBase, it has a new flag named RemoveGhostInterfaces. By default, RemoveGhostInterfaces is on, because when rendering unstructured data ghost interfaces should not be shown. However, there are algorithms such as GhostCellGenerator that need these ghost interfaces.

cc: @will.schroeder @cory.quammen @utkarsh.ayachit

Edited by Spiros Tsalikis

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