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vtkDIYUtilities: add support for SOA arrays

Initially the problem was found when using Conduit/Meshblueprint with the vtkGhostCellsGenerator, see for more details.

The root cause was that vtkDIYUtilities did not support SOA arrays, and when VTK_DISPATCH_SOA_ARRAYS=OFF, vtkArrayDispatcher::Dispatch::Execute calls silently failed to serialize their data. Upon deserialization, it expected to find data that wasn't there and crashed. Furthermore, other non-standard memory layout arrays also did not deserialize properly.

This has now been fixed by adding support for non-standard memory layout arrays.

Note that the support is not yet optimal, as non-standard memory layout arrays are deserialized as AoS arrays always. This needs more work, but not in this merge request.

Edited by Menno Deij - van Rijswijk

Merge request reports