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Selection Improvements

Spiros Tsalikis requested to merge spiros.tsalikis/vtk:improved-selection into master

vtkSelection now supports the xor boolean operator.

vtkSelectionSource can now 1) generate multiple selection nodes, 2) has the option to define the field option using either FieldType(vtkSelectionNode::SelectionField) or ElementType(vtkDataObject::AttributeTypes) and 3) defines the ProcessId of the selection.

vtkAppendSelection can now append multiple selections by setting an expression using selection input names.

vtkFrustumSelection has been optimized to perform the minimum number of new operations needed.

vtkExtractSelectedThresholds, vtkExtractSelectedPolyDataIds, vtkExtractSelectedLocations, vtkExtractSelectedIds, and vtkExtractSelectedBlock have been deprecated since vtkExtractSelection can be used instead of them.

vtkConvertSelection can now convert selection nodes with content type BLOCK/BLOCK_SELECTORS to INDICES.

vtkHierarchicalBoxDataIterator has been deprecated, and vtkUniformGridAMRDataIterator should be used instead.

Edited by Spiros Tsalikis

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