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Ghost cells generator: point exchange optim in structured grids

  • Optimization:

Points at the interface between blocks were being exchanged on structured data (including points position and point data). This exchange is unnecessary, so it is being removed.

  • Ghost points tagging for structured grids (bug fix):

The ghost point tagging had a bug with structured grids and was not being tested. A test is added to ensure that the ghost points will remain correctly tagged.

The bug was that points on the interface between the blocks were not tagged as ghosts. One of the blocks needs to have them untagged, but the other need them to be tagged as ghost points. The rule is now that the block at the top - right - back to the other blocks "own" the point, and all others tag those points as ghosts.

Adresses paraview/paraview#19989 (closed)

Edited by Yohann Bearzi (Kitware)

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