Fix 3d cell conversion to polyhedron in vtkCellValidator::Convex
The first commit fix this issue #17841 (closed) for hex, but also for wedge and tetra.
Let take an example for the explanation of the bug with a cell containing 3 points, even if this is not possible in 3d. Let assume also that a point has only one coordinate instead of three.
Let assume that the input in vtkCellValidator::Convex
input_grid_ids 10 11 12
input_grid_points (0.0) (0.1) (0.2)
cell_ids 11 12 10
cell_points (0.1) (0.2) (0.0)
The output before the bug was
new_grid_ids 0 1 2 ( grid ids cannot be set)
new_grid_points (0.1) (0.2) (0.0) ( set with cell>GetPoints())
polygon_cell_id 11 12 10
whereas it should be
new_grid_ids 0 1 2 ( grid ids cannot be set)
new_grid_points (0.1) (0.2) (0.0) ( set with cell>GetPoints())
polygon_cell_id 0 1 2
Conclusion, a mapping from the old grid ids to the new node ids was missing. This mapping should be used as well to update the node ids of the polyhedron faces.
The second commit of this MR fix a second bug in vtkPolyhedron::IsConvex()
, where the definition of the vertical plane was wrongly defined. This fix this second reported issue #17673 (closed)
Backport: release