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Modified OpenFOAMReader classes

SeongMo Yeon requested to merge handrake0724/vtk:PatchForOpenFOAM5xReader into master

Modifications to the vtkOpenFOAMReader and vtkPOpenFOAMReader classes to handle collated file format (introduced in OpenFOAM 5.x and OpenFOAM-1712).

  • In the normal decomposed case, each domain is stored as "processor0/", "processor1", etc. With files (eg, U, p) for each field in each directory.
  • In the collated parallel case, a single "processors/" directory is used with a single file per field that includes the values for all of the processes.

The reader tested with ascii and binary dict format and worked well with ParaView-5.4.1. However, member functions with the following statements, name a few vtkOpenFOAMReaderPrivate::ReadPointsFile, vtkOpenFOAMReaderPrivate::ReadFacesFile, will not work correctly if the file is gzipped:

vtkFoamIOobject io(this->CasePath, this->Parent); if (!(io.Open(pointPath) || io.Open(pointPath + ".gz")))

I could narrow down the problem and found the problem is because fstream failed to open the specified file in the second on, io.Open(pointPath + ".gz"). I guess something happened in the io.Open(pointPath) and prevent the second io.Open getting a file open. I couldn't fix that problem so it would be perfect if you could correct that problem while merging this patch.

Edited by olesen

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