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Cleanup qt5

Utkarsh Ayachit requested to merge utkarsh.ayachit/vtk:cleanup_qt5 into master

Cleans up the information in vtk${vtk-module}.cmake files for external modules (namely Qt5).

This change generates the following:

if(NOT Qt5_DIR)
  set(Qt5_DIR "/home/utkarsh/Software/qt/5.7.0/install/lib/cmake/Qt5")
find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED QUIET COMPONENTS Widgets)

Instead of

if(NOT Qt5Widgets_DIR)
  set(Qt5Widgets_DIR "/home/utkarsh/Software/qt/5.7.0/install/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets")
find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED QUIET)

The big advantage with new form is for an application that depends on VTK and imports a QT-based VTK module, can simply do find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Sql) (for example) and it will find the required module in Qt5 used by VTK. Otherwise CMake complains it cannot find Qt5_DIR if Qt5 is not installed in standard location.

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