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Add PolarAxes2D annotation, drawn in overlay

Nicolas Vuaille requested to merge nicolas.vuaille/vtk:PolarAxes into master

This adds a new overlay annotation, to display polar axes.

vtkPolarAxes2D is the main class that should be used.

The vtkRadialGridActor2D handles axes with same origin. This can be seen as the polar axes without arcs.

In order to keep vtkPolarAxes2D only a composite actor, i.e. an actor that delegates to some other without drawing data itself, the arcs are drawn by an internal class, vtkArcGridActorPrivate.


Concerning alternative baselines

We detected failures on specific MacOs runner, namely: "bigmac", for TestBarChartActor, xyPlot2 and xyPlot4

specifically when the GPU is AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D300 (@jaswant.panchumarti )

runner details:

OS Name: 	macOS
OS Platform: 	x86_64
OS Release: 	12.7.4
OS Version: 	21H1123

Failure was a "one-pixel-line" diff around chart axes

Edited by Nicolas Vuaille

Merge request reports