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vtkTestUtilities: Adding functionalities for testing arrays / data objects

Yohann Bearzi (Kitware) requested to merge yohann.bearzi/vtk:test-mesh into master
  • Given a tolerance factor dealing with numerical precision of floating point numbers, ``vtkTestUtilitiesis enhanced with new tools allowing to test whether 2vtkDataObjects`, `vtkAbstractArray`, `vtkFieldData` are identical up to numerical precision. In the case of `vtkDataObject`, the tool is invariant to point and cell ordering.

There are a few changes that needed be done for the new code to work:

  • vtkHyperTreeGrid: removing wrong assert in SetExtent

  • vtkDataSetAttributes: Copying GhostsToSkip in shallow and deep copy

  • vtkHyperTreeGridCellCenters: changing behavior wrt output point data

The filter was not behaving like its parent vtkCellCenters. When VectexCells is off, you are still supposed to output vtkPointData, which was not the case. This flag just tells the filters to ALSO output a vtkCellData.

  • vtkMatrixUtilities: using perfect forwarding

The tools in vtkMatrixUtilities need to use perfect forwarding in order to work properly with data array ranges generated from the generic implementation. If not, references to temporaries are returned in some scenarios.

Edited by Yohann Bearzi (Kitware)

Merge request reports