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Allow lookup table overrides for individual meshes with composite polydata mapper

The lookup table, interpolation of scalars can be overriden per block in a composite dataset. The unit test exercises overriding indexed and continuous lookup tables. The test image looks like:


  1. All quads have ScalarVisibility turned on except the white quad.
  2. All scalar colored quads except the two rainbow colored quads use different lookup tables.
  3. The two rainbow colored quads on the left and right are mapped using the base lookup table with "InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping=Off" on the left and "InterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping=On" on the right.
  4. The quad with darkblue, red triangles uses cell scalar colors.
  5. The right most quad with orange and green colored triangles uses an indexed lookup table.
  6. The yellow quad is asked to color by scalars that do not exist and the base lut has a NAN color of 'yellow' so it is used to indiciate missing array.
Edited by Jaswant Panchumarti (Kitware)

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