type annotation for tuples needs Tuple[float, float, float] instead of (float, float, float)
I tried how this works with pyright for emacs by changing by hand vtkIOCesium3DTiles.pyi and replacing (float, float, float) with Tuple[float, float, float] for vtkCesium3DTilesWriter::SetOffset.
Emacs showed that the type of the argument for the function is a Tuple[float, float, float] instead of unknown which was shown before.
@dgobbi I can see that in your original post, https://discourse.vtk.org/t/python-ide-autocompletion-for-upcoming-vtk-9-1/6708/5 the types for tuples for vtkCellLocator::IntersectWithLine are not shown. I think it is the same problem.
Edited by Dan Lipsa