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  • Will Schroeder's avatar
    Threaded implementation of the 3D Surface Nets isocontouring algorithm · c002423d
    Will Schroeder authored and Spiros Tsalikis's avatar Spiros Tsalikis committed
    Surface Nets is an algorithm used to isocontour segmented 3D volumes.
    The segmentation is represented by a label map which classified each
    voxel as inside a segmented region, or as part of the background.
    One or more labeled regions can be extracted simultaneously. The
    algorithm also includes a constrained smoothing process to produce
    higher-quality results. The algorithm is threaded using concepts
    from Flying Edges (which processes data independently on an edge-by-edge
    Threaded implementation of the 3D Surface Nets isocontouring algorithm
    Will Schroeder authored and Spiros Tsalikis's avatar Spiros Tsalikis committed
    Surface Nets is an algorithm used to isocontour segmented 3D volumes.
    The segmentation is represented by a label map which classified each
    voxel as inside a segmented region, or as part of the background.
    One or more labeled regions can be extracted simultaneously. The
    algorithm also includes a constrained smoothing process to produce
    higher-quality results. The algorithm is threaded using concepts
    from Flying Edges (which processes data independently on an edge-by-edge