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  • Ken Martin's avatar
    Fix a memory violation in callbacks/observers · 82416be3
    Ken Martin authored
    The SubjectHelper class used by vtkObject to handle
    invoking callbacks had an issue that would cause memory violations
    when nested callback invocations would invalidate the list of observers.
    The original code had some logic to try to handle this but it would not
    handle nested invocations where the internal invocation invalidated the
    observer that the external iteration was using. In that case the
    failure sequence looked like
    in invokeobserver()
    for (observer a : observers)
     - a callback
       - nested call to invokeobserver
         for (observer b : observers)
         - another callback
           - remove observer a as part of the callback
             - This causes ListModified to be true
         - since ListModified is true
           - reset iterator and mark ListModified false
         - finish iterating
      - at this point ListModified is false BUT the list has been
        modified since observer a was aquired and so the iteration
        can access a which may have been deleted
    The fix is that ListModified must be kept for each depth of recursion
    so that each recusive invocation can reset its iteration as needed.