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  • Sean McBride's avatar
    Replaced vtkCriticalSection, vtkMutexLock, vtkConditionVariable with STL · c43435ec
    Sean McBride authored
    Replaced usage of vtkCriticalSection, vtkMutexLock, and vtkSimpleMutexLock with std::mutex.
    Relpaced usage of vtkConditionVariable ad vtkSimpleConditionVariable with std::condition_variable_any.
    Marked the those VTK classes as deprecated.  Also deprecated vtkThreadMessanger, which was already unused.
    Biggest change is to vtkBlueObeliskData, which publicly exposes a vtkSimpleMutexLock as part of its public API with Get/SetWriteMutex. Made it deprecated and replacing it with new public LockWriteMutex() and UnlockWriteMutex() methods.