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  • Mathieu Westphal (Kitware)'s avatar
    Adds a new vtk dataType vtkExplicitStructuredGrid and related filters: · 8af35b88
    Mathieu Westphal (Kitware) authored and Max Zeyen's avatar Max Zeyen committed
    * The new class vtkExplicitStructuredGrid
    * Two new filter vtkImageDataToExplicitStructuredGrid and vtkUnstructuredGridExplicitStructuredGrid for converting to the new type
    * A new filter vtkExplicitStructuredGridToUnstructuredGrid for converting from the new type
    * A new filter vtkExplicitStructuredGridCrop , as a first filter specific to the new type
    * A few tests for these filters
     /* vtkExplicitStructuredGrid is a data object that is a concrete implementation
     * of vtkDataSet. vtkExplicitStructuredGrid represents a geometric structure
     * that is a topologically regular array of hexahedron. The topology is that of
     * a cube that has been subdivided into a regular array of smaller cubes.
     * Each cell can be addressed with i-j-k indices, however neighbor hexahedrons
     * does not necessarily share a face and hexahedron can be blanked (turned-off).
     * Like unstructured grid, vtkExplicitStructuredGrid has explicit point coordinate...