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  • Patrick Avery's avatar
    For poly LODs, limit quadric clustering memory use · 1699ed76
    Patrick Avery authored
    When the program is allocating a huge chunk of memory to use, some
    operating systems will just kill the program instead of throwing
    std::bad_alloc. We don't want ParaView to be killed, so let's
    preemptively avoid using too much memory in the quadric clustering.
    This also avoids integer overflows that have occurred when the three
    integer divisions get multiplied together in vtkQuadricClustering.
    We are currently limiting the product of the three divisions to
    1e8, which used up more than 10 GB of memory in the quadric clustering
    in my tests. We can potentially make this max product an option in the
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPatrick Avery <>