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  • Dan Lipsa's avatar
    Redesign "vtkGhostLevels" arrays and related ghost functionalties. · 4dee0274
    Dan Lipsa authored
    Co-authored-by: default avatarYuanxin Liu <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBerk Geveci <>
     -The semantics of each unsigned char in the ghost arrays changes:
      Instead of storing a numeric value representing how far a cell is
      from the boundary, it is now a bit field specified by
      vtkDataSetAttributes::CellGhostTypes and
      vtkDataSetAttributes::PointGhostTypes.  The bit field is consistent
      with VisIt specs.
    - Previously, filters strip all ghost cells they request from upstream
      before finalizing the output. This is no longer done.
    - vtkUniform grids previously supported blanking through member arrays
      vtkUniformGrid::CellVisibility and
      vtkUniformGrid::PointVisibility. These arrays are removed and the
      blanking functionality are supported through the new ghost arrays
    - the "vtkGhostLevel" arrays for cell and point data are renamed to
      vtkDataSetAttributes::GhostArrayName() ("vtkGhostType").
    - the versi...