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  • Berk Geveci's avatar
    Refactored how pieces and extents are handled. · 1a0b4e9d
    Berk Geveci authored
    Refactoring the way VTK goes between piece and structured
    extents. Before, extent translators were used when the pipeline
    moved from structured to unstructured data converting piece
    request to extent request. This caused many problems with filters
    that altered extents, mainly a lot of redundant IO due to
    repartitioning of different extents. This became extremely
    cumbersome to manage when running distributed. The new behavior
    pushes the extent translation all to way to the readers and
    only when readers are able to read a subset. This works much
    better. The only downside is that filters need to be able to
    handle data extents different than update extents. Most filters
    can do this but many imaging filters cannot. Those that are
    needed in parallel will have to be updated.
    As part of this work, I also removed MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PIECES
    reduced to being a boolean. 1 for serial sources, -1 for parallel