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External faces production

Thomas Otahal requested to merge Otahal/vtk-m:external-faces-production into master

This branch contains the following changes to the external faces filter and worklet.

  1. Fast path for 3D uniform and rectilinear grids that uses a specialized Run() method in the worklet. The Run() method takes advantage of the regular structure of these grid types to find the external faces using fewer parallel operations that the explicit Run() method.

  2. The worklet now passes cell variables to the output data set for both Run() paths using a cell ID map. The implementation is similar to the marching cubes worklet.

  3. The filter and worklet pass input poly data (0D, 1D, and 2D) cells to the external faces output. The filter has a flag PassPolyData to disable this default behavior.

  4. Updated tests for the filter and worklet to test all of the above features.

Merge request reports