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Remove old ArrayHandle transfer

Delete the default implementation of ArrayTransfer. ArrayTransfer is used with the old ArrayHandle style to move data between host and device. The new version of ArrayHandle does not use ArrayTransfer at all because this functionality is wrapped in Buffer (where it can exist in a precompiled library).

Once all the old ArrayHandle classes are gone, this class will be removed completely. Although all the remaining ArrayHandle classes provide their own versions of ArrayTransfer, they still need the prototype to be defined to specialize. Thus, the guts of the default ArrayTransfer are removed and replaced with a compile error if you try to compile it.

Also removed ArrayManagerExecution. This class was used indirectly by the old ArrayHandle, through ArrayHandleTransfer, to move data to and from a device. This functionality has been replaced in the new ArrayHandles through the Buffer class (which can be compiled into libraries rather than make every translation unit compile their own template).

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