added TransientHDFReader
The goal of this example is to show how to read transient data from a HDF file using vtkHDFReader v2.0 (vtkHDFWriter 2.0 is not finished yet but another example will be added when it is).
Just for fun: live WASM preview is here:
Merge request reports
@amaclean for an unknown reason, I'm not able to push to git-lfs to add warping-spheres.vtkhdf and TestTransientHDFReader.png. It seems I just don't have access to lfs. Any idea ?
You need authorization to use lfs, @mwestphal can you please arrange this for @astucky. Thanks Andrew
Thanks @mwestphal , I just had a thought: @astucky do you have git-lfs on your machine? If not this might be the problem.
Moved to !312 (merged)