[DistanceBetweenPoints](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/DistanceBetweenPoints) | vtkMath | Computes the distance between two point Distance between two points
[UniformRandomNumber](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/UniformRandomNumber) | vtkMath | Generates uniform random number Random number (uniform distribution)
[GaussianRandomNumber](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/GaussianRandomNumber) | vtkMath | Generates Gaussian random number Random number (Gaussian distribution)
[RandomSequence](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/RandomSequence)|vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence | This is the preferred way to generate random numbers Random sequence
[ProjectPointPlane](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/ProjectPointPlane)|vtkPlane | Project a point onto a plan Project a point onto a plane
[PerspectiveTransform](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/PerspectiveTransform)|vtkPerspectiveTransform | Apply a perspective transformation to a point
[RandomSequence](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/RandomSequence)|vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence | This is the preferred way to generate random numbers Random sequence
[ProjectPointPlane](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/ProjectPointPlane)|vtkPlane | Project a point onto a plan Project a point onto a plane
[PerspectiveTransform](/CSharp/SimpleOperations/PerspectiveTransform)|vtkPerspectiveTransform | Apply a perspective transformation to a point
[SimplePointsReader](/CSharp/IO/SimplePointsReader) | vtkSimplePointsReader | Read a simple "xyz" file of points
[ReadDICOMSeries](/CSharp/IO/ReadDICOMSeries) | vtkDICOMImageReader | This example demonstates how to read a series of DICOM images and scroll through slice Convert a series of DICOM files into a VTI File
[VRML](/CSharp/IO/VRML)|vtkVRMLImporter | Read a VRML (WRL) file
[VRML](/CSharp/IO/VRML)|vtkVRMLImporter | Read a VRML (WRL) file
[DEMReader](/CSharp/IO/DEMReader) | vtkDEMReader | Read DEM (elevation map) files
[ReadUnstructuredGrid](/CSharp/IO/ReadUnstructuredGrid)|vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader |Demonstrates how to read a .vtu fil Read an unstructured grid (.vtu) file
[ReadPolyData](/CSharp/IO/ReadPolyData)|vtkXMLPolyDataReader | Read a polygonal data (.vtp) file
[ReadImageData](/CSharp/IO/ReadImageData)|vtkXMLImageDataReader | Read a image data (.vti) file
[ReadStructuredGrid](/CSharp/IO/ReadStructuredGrid)|vtkXMLStructuredGridReader | Read a structured grid (.vts) file
[ReadRectilinearGrid](/CSharp/IO/ReadRectilinearGrid)|vtkXMLRectilinearGridReader | Read a rectilinear grid (.vtr) file
[ReadUnknownTypeXMLFile](/CSharp/IO/ReadUnknownTypeXMLFile)|vtkXMLGenericDataObjectReader | Read an XML file and later decide what kind it is
[ReadUnstructuredGrid](/CSharp/IO/ReadUnstructuredGrid)|vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader |Demonstrates how to read a .vtu fil Read an unstructured grid (.vtu) file
[ReadPolyData](/CSharp/IO/ReadPolyData)|vtkXMLPolyDataReader | Read a polygonal data (.vtp) file
[ReadImageData](/CSharp/IO/ReadImageData)|vtkXMLImageDataReader | Read a image data (.vti) file
[ReadStructuredGrid](/CSharp/IO/ReadStructuredGrid)|vtkXMLStructuredGridReader | Read a structured grid (.vts) file
[ReadRectilinearGrid](/CSharp/IO/ReadRectilinearGrid)|vtkXMLRectilinearGridReader | Read a rectilinear grid (.vtr) file
[ReadUnknownTypeXMLFile](/CSharp/IO/ReadUnknownTypeXMLFile)|vtkXMLGenericDataObjectReader | Read an XML file and later decide what kind it is
##### Output
| Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description | Image |
[WriteVTU](/CSharp/IO/WriteVTU)|vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter | VTU is an "Unstructured Grid". This format allows for 3D data to be stored Write a .vtu file
[WriteVTP](/CSharp/IO/WriteVTP)|vtkXMLPolyDataWriter | VTP is a "PolyData". This format allows for the most complex geometric objects to be stored Write a .vtp file
[WriteVTI](/CSharp/IO/WriteVTI)|vtkXMLImageDataWriter | VTI is an "ImageData" Write a .vti file
[XMLStructuredGridWriter](/CSharp/IO/XMLStructuredGridWriter)|vtkXMLStructuredGridWriter | Write a .vts file from a vtkStructuredGrid
[WriteVTU](/CSharp/IO/WriteVTU)|vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter | VTU is an "Unstructured Grid". This format allows for 3D data to be stored Write a .vtu file
[WriteVTP](/CSharp/IO/WriteVTP)|vtkXMLPolyDataWriter | VTP is a "PolyData". This format allows for the most complex geometric objects to be stored Write a .vtp file
[WriteVTI](/CSharp/IO/WriteVTI)|vtkXMLImageDataWriter | VTI is an "ImageData" Write a .vti file
[XMLStructuredGridWriter](/CSharp/IO/XMLStructuredGridWriter)|vtkXMLStructuredGridWriter | Write a .vts file from a vtkStructuredGrid