Bill Lorensen authoredBill Lorensen authored
Please see [this](http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Tutorials/PythonEnvironmentSetup this) page to learn how to setup your environment to use VTK in Python.
It would be appreciated if there are any Python VTK experts who could convert any of the c++ examples to Python!
#Hello World
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
Cylinder | vtkPolyDataMapper vtkActor vtkRenderer vtkRenderWindow vtkRenderWindowInteractor | Cylinder example from the VTK Textbook and source code. A hello world example |
#Simple Operations
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
DistanceBetweenPoints | vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints |
#Input and Output ##Output
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
PLYWriter | vtkPLYWriter | |
STLWriter | vtkSTLWriter |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
STLReader | vtkSTLReader | |
UnstructuredGridReader | vtkUnstructuredGridReader | Using vtkUnstructuredGridReader to read a (legacy) *.vtk file |
VTPReader | vtkXMLPolyDataReader |
#Working with Arrays
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
GetValues | GetTuple3 | |
RenameArray | SetName |
#Geometric Objects ##Display
##Parametric Objects
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
ParametricObjectsDemo | vtkParametricBoy, vtkParametricConicSpiral, vtkParametricCrossCap, vtkParametricDini, vtkParametricEllipsoid, vtkParametricEnneper, vtkParametricFigure8Klein, vtkParametricKlein, vtkParametricMobius, vtkParametricRandomHills, vtkParametricRoman, vtkParametricSpline, vtkParametricSuperEllipsoid, vtkParametricSuperToroid, vtkParametricTorus | All the objects are displayed in a 4X4 array. |
ParametricObjects | Uncomment the object that you wish to be displayed. |
#Implicit Functions
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
Boolean | vtkImplicitBoolean | Demonstrate booleans of two different implicit functions |
Quadric | vtkQuadric | Create an ellipsoid using an implicit quadric |
Sphere | vtkSphere | Demonstrate sampling of a sphere implicit function |
#Working with PolyData
#Working with 3D Data
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
ExtractSelection | vtkExtractSelection | |
ExtractSelectionCells | vtkExtractSelection | extract cell, select cell |
##Working with Structured 3D Data This section includes vtkImageData, vtkStructuredGrid, and vtkRectilinearGrid.
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
RectilinearGrid | vtkRectilinearGrid | create a rectilinear grid |
##Working with Meshes This section includes examples of manipulating meshes.
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
ClipDataSetWithPolydata | vtkClipDataSet, vtkImplicitPolyDataDistance, vtkRectilinearGrid | clip a vtkRectilinearGrid with arbitrary polydata. In this example, use a vtkConeSource to generate polydata to slice the grid, resulting in an unstructured grid. |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
BackgroundImage | vtkJPEGReader, vtkImageCanvasSource2D, vtkImageActor, vtkSuperquadricSource | |
Cutter | vtkCutter | |
[ImplicitDataSet](ImplicitDataSet](http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkImplicitDataSet.html)]( vtkIdType | n/a | This is just a typedef, Python, you can use a python "int" or "long" for vtkIdType. |
Screenshot | vtkWindowToImageFilter | |
Variant | vtkVariant | |
vtkVersion | vtkVersion |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
Animation | vtkTimerCallback | |
AssignCellColorsFromLUT | vtkNamedColors, vtkPlaneSource, vtkLookupTable, vtkColorTransferFunction | Demonstrates how to assign colors to cells in a vtkPolyData structure using lookup tables. |
Camera | vtkCamera | |
ClampGlyphSizes | vtkGlyph3D | Use vtkGlyph3D with ClampingOn to limit glyph sizes |
ColorActor | vtkActor::GetProperty()::SetColor | |
CubeAxesActor | vtkCubeAxesActor | |
CurvatureBandsWithGlyphs | vtkCurvatures, vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter, vtkLookupTable, vtkColorSeries, vtkGlyph3D | Demonstrates the coloring of a surface by partitioning the gaussian curvature of a surface into bands and using arrows to display the normals on the surface. |
ElevationBandsWithGlyphs | vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter, vtkLookupTable, vtkColorSeries, vtkGlyph3D | Demonstrates the coloring of a surface by partitioning the elevation into bands and using arrows to display the normals on the surface. |
GlyphTable | vtkGlyph3D | Vary the shapes of glyphed points using a glyph table |
HardwareSelector | vtkHardwareSelector | |
InteractorStyleTrackballActor | vtkInteractorStyleTrackBallActor | |
InteractorStyleTrackballCamera | vtkInteractorStyleTrackBallCamera | |
MultipleViewports | vtkRenderer::SetViewport | |
NamedColorPatches | vtkNamedColors | Creates a HTML file called VTKNamedColorPatches.html showing the available colors in the vtkNamedColors class. |
NamedColors | vtkNamedColors | Demonstrates how to use the vtkNamedColor class |
PointSize | vtkActor::GetProperty()::SetPointSize | |
ProgGlyph | vtkProgrammableGlyphFilter | Vary the shapes of glyphed points using a programmable glyph filter |
QuadraticSurface | vtkQuadric | |
SphereTexture | vtkTextureMapToSphere | Apply an ImageData texture to an sphere |
Streamlines | vtkStreamLine | Seed streamlines with vectors from a structured grid |
TextSource | vtkTextSource | |
UnstructuredTransientVolumeRendering | vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastMapper | |
WindowTitle | vtkRenderWindow::SetWindowName |
#Working with vtkImageData
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
ImageWeightedSum | vtkImageWeightedSum | |
SumVTKImages | vtkImageWeightedSum | A function to simplify the summing of images, where you can pass a list of images and |
WriteReadVtkImageData | vtkImageData, vtkXMLImageDataReader, vtkXMLImageDataWriter | |
weights. |
#Working with ExodusII Data
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
Read | vtkExodusIIReader | A simple script for reading and viewing ExodusII data interactively. |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
EdgeWeights | vtkMutableDirectedGraph, vtkGraphLayoutView | |
NOVCAGraph | vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter | |
SelectedVerticesAndEdges | vtkAnnotationLink, vtkGraphLayoutView | |
VisualizeGraph | vtkMutableDirectedGraph, vtkGraphLayoutView |
#User Interaction
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
HighlightAPickedActor | vtkPropPicker, vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera | Pick and highlight an actor based on mouse clicks. |
MouseEventsObserver | vtkCallbackCommand | Use an observer. |
MouseEvents | vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera | Subclass the interactor style. |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
ParallelCoordinatesExtraction | vtkExtractSelection, vtkAnnotationLink | Extract data based on a selection in a Parallel Coordinates View |
ParallelCoordinatesView | vtkRTAnalyticSource, vtkParallelCoordinatesView, vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation | Plotting data attributes in a Parallel Coordinates View |
ScatterPlot | vtkChartXY | |
SelectedGraphIDs | vtkAnnotationLink, vtkRandomGraphSource, vtkGraphLayoutView | Callback on vtkAnnotationLink in a Graph Layout View when selection is changed |
SpiderPlot | vtkSpiderPlotActor |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
GeoAssignCoordinates | vtkGeoAssignCoordinates, vtkMutableDirectedGraph, vtkGraphMapper | Draws a sphere, based on longituds and latitudes. |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
BalloonWidget | vtkBalloonWidget, vtkBalloonRepresentation | Uses a vtkBalloonWidget to draw labels when the mouse stays above an actor. |
BoxWidget | vtkBoxWidget | This 3D widget defines a region of interest that is represented by an arbitrarily oriented hexahedron with interior face angles of 90 degrees (orthogonal faces). The object creates 7 handles that can be moused on and manipulated. |
CompassWidget | vtkCompassWidget, vtkCompassRepresentation | Draws an interactive compass. |
ContourWidget | vtkContourWidget, vtkOrientedGlyphContourRepresentation | Draw a contour (line) which can be deformed by the user |
OrientationMarkerWidget | vtkAnnotatedCubeActor vtkOrientationWidget | Draws two cubes. One of them can be clicked to be rotated, and will rotate the second one. The second one has annotations on it, and can also be moved. |
ScalarBarWidget | vtkScalarBarWidget | The ScalarBarWidget displays a scalar bar that is movable and changes orientation automatically when close to the borders of the image. It needs a ScalarBarActor |
SphereWidget | vtkSphereWidget | This 3D widget defines a sphere that can be interactively placed in a scene. |
TextWidget | vtkTextWidget | Annotate a VTK image with movable text |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
Delaunay2D | vtkDelaunay2D | |
LUTUtilities | vtkLookupTable vtkColorSeries | A utility class for vtkLookupTable allowing you to output the table contents or to compare tables. |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
RemoteRenderer | Web/Python | Use vtk to show an interactive visualization on a web page. Remote rendering. |
Example Name | Classes Demonstrated | Description |
EmbedPyQt | vtkRenderWindowInteractor | Shows how to easily embed VTK in PyQt with QVTKRenderWindowInteractor, first example |
EmbedPyQt2 | vtkRenderWindowInteractor | Shows how to embed VTK in PyQt with QVTKRenderWindowInteractor, second example |