Andrew Maclean authoredAndrew Maclean authored
- Java Examples
- VTK Classes Summary
- Hello World
- Input and Output
- Graph Formats
- 3D File Formats
- Standard Formats
- Input
- Importers
- Output
- VTK Formats
- Input
- Output
- Legacy VTK Formats
- Image Format
- Input
- Output
- Annotation
- CompositeData
- Filtering
- GeometricObjects
- HyperTreeGrid
- Geographic Visualization (Geovis)
- Graphs
- Working with Images
- Image Processing
- Implicit Functions and Iso-surfaces
- User Interaction
- Working with Meshes
- Working with 3D Data
- Working with Structured 3D Data
- vtkImageData
- vtkStructuredPoints
- vtkStructuredGrid
- vtkRectilinearGrid
- Point Cloud Operations
- Data Structures
- KD-Tree
- Octree
- Rendering
- Lighting
- Math Operations
- Parallel
- PolyData
- Texture Mapping
- Utilities
- Arrays
- Video
- Visualization
- Volume Rendering
- Graphs
- SimpleOperations
- Swing Integration
- Widgets
Java Examples
Click here for a tutorial on setting up your Java environment.
It would be appreciated if there are any Java VTK experts who could convert any of the c++ examples to Java!
VTK Classes Summary
This Python script, SelectExamples, will let you select examples based on a VTK Class and language. It requires Python 3.7 or later. The following tables will produce similar information.
VTK Classes with Examples, this table is really useful when searching for example(s) using a particular class.
VTK Classes with No Examples, please add examples in your area of expertise!
Hello World
Example Name | Description | Image |
A hello world example | Cylinder example from the VTK Textbook and source code. A hello world example. |
Input and Output
Graph Formats
3D File Formats
Example Name | Description | Image |
ConvertFile | Convert a file from one type to another |
Standard Formats
Example Name | Description | Image |
DEMReader | Read DEM (elevation map) files | |
ParticleReader | This example reads ASCII files where each line consists of points with its position (x,y,z) and (optionally) one scalar or binary files in RAW 3d file format. | |
ReadCML | Read Chemistry Markup Language files. | |
ReadOBJ | Read an OBJ (.obj) file. | |
ReadPLOT3D | Read PLOT3D data files. | |
ReadPLY | Read PLY (.ply) files | |
ReadSLC | Read an SLC volume file. | |
ReadSTL | Read stereo lithography STL (.stl) files. | |
SimplePointsReader | Read a simple "xyz" file of points. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
ThreeDSImporter | Import a 3D Studio scene that includes multiple actors. | |
VRMLImporter | Import a VRML 2.0 (WRL) file. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
SimplePointsWriter | Write a simple ".xyz" file | |
WritePLY | Write PLY (.ply) files. | |
WriteSTL | Write stereo lithography STL (.stl) files. |
VTK Formats
Example Name | Description | Image |
ReadPolyData | Read VTK XML PolyData files. | |
ReadRectilinearGrid | Read VTK XML RectilinearGrid files. | |
ReadStructuredGrid | Read VTK XML StructuredGrid files. | |
ReadVTP | Read a VTK XML PolyData file. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
WriteVTP | Write a VTK XML PolyData file. | |
WriteVTU | Write a .vtu file. VTU is an "Unstructured Grid". This format allows for 3D data to be stored. | |
XMLPImageDataWriter | Write a .pvti file with 4 .vti pieces. | |
XMLPUnstructuredGridWriter | Write a .pvtu with 4 .vtu pieces. | |
XMLStructuredGridWriter | Write a .vts file from a vtkStructuredGrid. |
Legacy VTK Formats
Example Name | Description | Image |
StructuredPointsReader | Read a structured points (.vtk) file. |
Image Format
Example Name | Description | Image |
JPEGReader | Read a JPEG image. | |
ReadBMP | Read Windows BMP files. | |
ReadDICOM | Read DICOM images. | |
ReadPNM | Read PNM (.pnm) files. | |
ReadTIFF | Read TIFF (.tif) files. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
JPEGWriter | Write a JPEG file. | |
PNGReader | Read a PNG image. | |
WritePNM | Write a PNM (.pnm) file. | |
WriteTIFF | Write a TIFF (.tif) file. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
MultiLineText | MultiLineText | |
TextOrigin | TextOrigin |
Example Name | Description | Image |
CompositePolyDataMapper | CompositePolyDataMapper |
Example Name | Description | Image |
Delaunay2D | An example to generate set of points and to triangulate using Delaunay2D | |
Glyph2D | Example to copy a polydata to everypoint in the input set. | |
Glyph3D | This example applies an object at every point using vtkGlyph3D | |
PerlinNoise | An implicit function that implements Perlin noise. | |
TransformPolyData | Transforms points, associated normals and vectors for polygonal dataset | |
VertexGlyphFilter | Creates a set of points and adds a vertex at each point. | |
WarpTo | Deform geometry by warping towards a point |
Example Name | Description | Image |
Arrow | Arrow Visualization | |
Circle | Circle Visualization | |
Cone | Cone Visualization | |
ConvexPointSet | ConvexPointSet Visualization | |
Disk | Disk Visualization | |
EllipticalCylinder | EllipticalCylinder | |
Frustum | Frustum Visualization | |
Line | Line Visualization | |
LongLine | A visualization of a long line | |
OrientedArrow | Oriented Arrow visualization. | |
OrientedCylinder | Oriented Cylinder visualization | |
ParametricObjects | ParametricObjects Visualization | |
PlanesIntersection | PlanesIntersection | |
Polygon | Polygon Visualization | |
Pyramid | Pyramid Visualization | |
Quad | Quad Visualization | |
RegularPolygonSource | RegularPolygon Visualization | |
ShrinkCube | Applying shrink filter to an object. | |
TextActor | TextActor Demonstration | |
Triangle | Triangle Visualization | |
TriangleStrip | Triangle Strip Visualization | |
Vertex | Vertex Visualization |
Example Name | Description | Image |
HyperTreeGridSource | Demonstration of a hyper-tree grid source. |
Geographic Visualization (Geovis)
Example Name | Description | Image |
CompassWidget | CompassWidget Visualization | |
EarthSource | Earth Source Visualization | |
GeoAssignCoordinates | Convert latitude and longitude coordinates to world coordinates. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
GraphPoints | Manually set the coordinates of vertices in a graph. | |
RandomGraphSource | A graph with random edges. | |
VisualizeGraph | An example to construct a graph and visualize it. |
Working with Images
Example Name | Description | Image |
Actor2D | A actor that draws 2D data | |
Cast | Image Data type Casting Filter. | |
ImageSinusoidSource | Creates an image with sinusoidal pixel values. | |
RTAnalyticSource | Creates an image for regression testing | |
StaticImage | Displays a 2D image |
Image Processing
Example Name | Description | Image |
Flip | Flips an image. | |
ImageFFT | Compute the Fast Fourier Transform of an image. | |
ImageTest | Use Java file dialog to select an image file to display. | |
ShotNoise | Create an image using vtkImageCanvasSource2D and write it to a file. |
Implicit Functions and Iso-surfaces
Example Name | Description | Image |
IceCream | How to use boolean combinations of implicit functions to create a model of an ice cream cone. | |
ImplicitDataSet | Implicit functions, implicit data set. | |
ImplicitSphere | ImplicitFunctions, Append poly data, tube filter, sphere | |
SampleFunction | Sample an implicit function over a structured point set. |
User Interaction
Example Name | Description | Image |
Assembly | Combine/group actors into an assembly. | |
InteractorStyleTerrain | Manipulate camera in scene with natural view up. | |
PickableOff | Disallow interaction with a specific actor. | |
RubberBandPick | Pick props underneath a rubber band selection rectangle. | |
RubberBandZoom | Zoom in by amount indicated by rubber band box. | |
StyleSwitch | Choose between multiple interaction modes. | |
TrackballActor | Trackball actor mode. | |
TrackballCamera | Trackball camera mode. |
Working with Meshes
Example Name | Description | Image |
AddCell | Add a cell to an existing mesh. | |
BoundaryEdges | Find the edges that are used by only one face. | |
DelaunayMesh | Two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation of a random set of points. Points and edges are shown highlighted with sphere glyphs and tubes. |
Working with 3D Data
Example Name | Description | Image |
Bottle | Sweeps polygonal data creating "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices | |
CellCenters | Compute points at the center of every cell. | |
CenterOfMass | Compute the center of mass of the points. | |
ProjectSphere | Unroll a sphere or spherical-like model. | |
Spring | Rotation in combination with linear displacement and radius variation. |
Working with Structured 3D Data
This section includes vtkImageData vtkStructuredGrid and vtkRectilinearGrid.
"ImageData" is not the traditional "flat, 2D image" you are used to. It is a special VTK data structure in the collection of 3D data structures provided by VTK. Here is an overview of these data structures. Image data can represent at typical 2D image, but also, a 3D volume.
Example Name | Description | Image |
ImageNormalize | Normalizes the scalar components for each point. | |
ImageWeightedSum | Add two or more images. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
StructuredPointsToUnstructuredGrid | Convert a vtkStructuredPoints to a vtkUnstructuredGrid. | |
Vol | Creating a image data dataset. Scalar data is generated from the equation for a sphere. Volume dimensions are 26 x 26 x 26. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
BlankPoint | Blank a point of a vtkStructuredGrid. | |
StructuredGridOutline | Creates a wireframe outline for structured grid. |
This section includes vtkImageData, vtkStructuredGrid and vtkRectilinearGrid.
"ImageData" is not the traditional "flat, 2D image" you are used to. It is a special VTK data structure in the collection of 3D data structures provided by VTK. Here is an overview of these data structures. Image data can represent at typical 2D image, but also, a 3D volume.
Example Name | Description | Image |
RectilinearGrid | A dataset that is topologically regular with variable spacing in the three coordinate directions | |
RectilinearGridToTetrahedra | Convert a vtkRectilinearGrid to a vtkUnstructuredGrid mesh. | |
VisualizeRectilinearGrid | Visualize the cells of a rectilinear grid. |
Point Cloud Operations
Example Name | Description | Image |
FitImplicitFunction | Extract points within a distance to an implicit function. |
Data Structures
Example Name | Description | Image |
VisualizeKDTree | Show the levels of a KD Tree. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
BuildOctree | Create an octree. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
AmbientSpheres | Demonstrates the effect of ambient lighting on spheres. | |
ColoredSphere | A simple sphere. | |
Cone6 | This example introduces 3D widgets. 3D widgets take advantage of the event/observer design pattern. Corresponds to the missing Step 6 Java example from VTK/Examples/Tutorial. | |
Mace | An example of multiple inputs and outputs. | |
SpecularSpheres | Demonstrates the effect of specular lighting on spheres. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
LightActor | vtkLightActor Demonstration | |
SpotLight | vtkSpotLight Demonstration |
Math Operations
Example Name | Description | Image |
MatrixInverse | Represents and manipulates 3x3 transformation matrices. | |
MatrixTranspose | The transpose of a matrix is a new matrix whose rows are the columns of the original. | |
NormalizeVector | Normalize a vector. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
ExodusIIWriter | Example Program to demonstrates how to use vtkExodusIIWriter |
Example Name | Description | Image |
ColorCells | ColorCells | |
ColorCellsWithRGB | ColorCellsWithRGB | |
ColorDisconnectedRegions | ColorDisconnectedRegions | |
ColoredPoints | Example to visualize Colored Points. | |
ConvexHullShrinkWrap | ConvexHullShrinkWrap | |
KochanekSpline | KochanekSpline | |
MeshQuality | MeshQuality | |
Outline | Outline | |
Reflection | Reflection | |
RibbonFilter | RibbonFilter | |
RotationAroundLine | Rotation around a line. | |
RuledSurfaceFilter | Create a surface between lines. | |
Stripper | Stripper | |
ThinPlateSplineTransform | A nonlinear warp transformation. | |
TransformFilter | Transforms points, associated normals and vectors | |
TransformPipeline | Combining the transformation, in order to manipulate a group of vtkActor. Shown in the example robot arm motion. | |
TriangleColoredPoints | Adding color to each vertex of a triangle | |
TubeFilter | TubeFilter |
Example Name | Description | Image |
AVI | An example to demonstrate how to make an AVI video using vtkAVIWriter |
Example Name | Description | Image |
RenderView | An easier way to make objects appear on the screen using RenderView |
Texture Mapping
Example Name | Description | Image |
TexturePlane | Example of texture mapping. | |
TexturedSphere | Texture a sphere. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
BrownianPoints | Produce a random vector at each point in a dataset. | |
ColorLookupTable | Color Lookup Table. | |
DiscretizableColorTransferFunction | Discretizable Color Transfer Function. | |
FullScreen | Example to Display Actors in a Full Screen Render Window. | |
FunctionParser | String function parser. | |
GetDataRoot | Find the path of VTK_DATA_ROOT. | |
PassThrough | Shallow copies the input into the output. | |
PiecewiseFunction | Interpolation using a piecewise function. | |
ReportRenderWindowCapabilities | Report the capabilities of a render window. | |
Screenshot | Use a vtkWindow as input to image pipeline. | |
TimerLog | Example to Demonstrate Timer support and logging. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
KnownLengthArray | Known Length Array | |
UnknownLengthArray | UnKnown Length Array |
Example Name | Description | Image |
OggTheora | Uses the ogg and theora libraries to write video files. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
AnimDataCone | Animate a cone by modifying the polydata points - uses Interaction M key (Motion) to toggle animation. | |
Animation | Move a sphere across a scene | |
AnnotatedCubeActor | A 3D cube with face labels. | |
BackfaceCulling | Turn on/off fast culling of polygons based on orientation of normal with respect to camera. | |
BackgroundColor | Example program to set the background color of the render window | |
BackgroundGradient | viewport having gradient background using the Background (bottom) and Background2 (top) colors. | |
BlobbyLogo | Blobby logo from VTK textbook. | |
Camera | A virtual camera for 3D rendering. | |
CameraActor | A frustum to represent a camera. | |
ColorActorEdges | Color the edges of an Actor. | |
ColorAnActor | Switch style interaction adds C and A key actions for selecting Camera or Actor interaction, and T and J key actions for Trackball or Joystick interaction mode. Adds charEvent observer callback to restore the missing E and Q events to quit. | |
ComplexV | ComplexV from the VTK Textbook. | |
CornerAnnotation | Write text in the corners of a window. | |
CubeAxesActor | Display three orthogonal axes with labels. | |
CubeAxesActor2D | This example uses the vtkCubeAxesActor2D to show your scene with axes to indicate the spatial extent of your data. | |
Cursor2D | Generates a 2D Cursor Representation. | |
Cursor3D | Generates a 3D Cursor Representation | |
CursorShape | Change the shape of the cursor. | |
Cutter | How to use vtkCutter by cutting through a cube. | |
DisplayCoordinateAxes | Display coordinate axes. | |
DistanceToCamera | Calculate distance from points to the camera. | |
DrawText | Display Text. | |
Follower | Draw text that stays right side up. | |
ImageOrientation | Orientation of the view of an image. | |
Legend | Draw symbols with text. | |
LegendScaleActor | Display the scale of a scene. | |
LineWidth | Change the width/thickness of lines in an actor. | |
LoopShrink | A network with a loop. | |
MoveActor | Moving an Actor. | |
MoveCamera | Moving the Camera. | |
MultipleActors | Multiple Actors. | |
MultipleViewports | Multiple Viewports. | |
NoShading | ||
Opacity | Transparency, transparent. | |
OrientedGlyphs | Copies oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point | |
ProteinRibbons | Display pdb ribbons. | |
RandomProbe | Demonstrates how to probe a dataset with random points and select points inside the data set. | |
ScalarBarActor | Display a color bar. | |
ScalarBarActorColorSeries | Display a color bar with a color series lookup table. | |
ScalarVisibility | Switch between coloring the actor and coloring the data. | |
SideBySideViewports | Side by side viewports. | |
SpikeFran | Glyphs indicate surface normals on model of human face. Glyph positions are randomly selected. | |
VectorFieldExample | A vector field visualisation. | |
VisualizeImageData | Visualize the points of an ImageData. | |
VisualizeVTP | Visualize a VTP File. | |
WindowSize | Change the size of a window. | |
WireframeSphere | A Wireframe Sphere Visualization. |
Volume Rendering
Example Name | Description | Image |
SimpleRayCast | Volume rendering of a high potential iron protein. |
Example Name | Description | Image |
SelectGraphVertices | Select Edges and vertices in a graph |
Example Name | Description | Image |
DistanceBetweenPoints | Example Program to find squared distance and the Euclidean distance between two 3D points. | |
PerspectiveTransform | It is used to describe the full range of homogeneous transformations. It was designed in particular to describe a camera-view of a scene | |
ProjectPointPlane | Performs various plane computations. | |
RandomSequence | Park and Miller Sequence of pseudo random numbers. |
Swing Integration
Example Name | Description | Image |
JFrameRender | Render a scene in a JFrame using a vtkRenderWindowPanel | |
SwingHandleMouseEvent | Display in a JLabel the point the mouse is hovering over using a mouse listener |
Example Name | Description | Image |
AngleWidget | AngleWidget Demonstration | |
AngleWidget2D | AngleWidget2D Demonstration | |
BalloonWidget | The balloon text describes each object when you hover it. | |
CaptionWidget | Widget for placing a caption (text plus leader) | |
DistanceWidget | Measures the distance between two points. | |
ImagePlaneWidget | 3D widget for reslicing image data. | |
ImageTracerWidgetNonPlanar | 3D widget for tracing on planar props. | |
LogoWidget | 2D widget for placing and manipulating a logo | |
OrientationMarkerWidget | Display a polydata as an orientation icon. | |
PlaneWidget | A finite (bounded) plane that can be interactively placed in a scene. | |
SeedWidget | Places multiple seed points, where a user moves the cursor to and clicks it. | |
SplineWidget | SplineWidget Demonstration | |
TextWidget | Widget for placing text on overlay plane. |