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Thomas Theussl requested to merge theusst/vespa:master into master

Hi everybody,

I have added the following functionality to vespa (which I have been using heavily for a recent Vis submission):

  1. `' to Data/Testing for testing everything (taken from the CGAL repo, hope that's ok)
  2. A reader vtkCGALXYZReader to read point cloud data. I needed this because the existing readers in VTK did not work for me (e.g.,
  3. Three new classes:
  • vtkCGALPCAEstimateNormals for estimating normals of point clouds (needed for Poisson Surface Reconstruction)
  • vtkCGALPoissonSurfaceReconstructionDelaunay for surface reconstruction from point clouds
  • vtkCGALAdvancingFrontSurfaceReconstruction for another surface reconstruction from point clouds method

I added folders PointSetProcessing and ShapeReconstruction to reflect the structure of CGAL at

I have also added cxx tests for everything.


Merge request reports