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  • Nikhil Shetty's avatar
    Modifying all plugins to have versioned suffix + directory · 2062699a
    Nikhil Shetty authored
    Moving pv version info to a seperate cmake file.
    The version information is updated with each new PV release. It is best
    if this was in a seperate file.
    We add another variable called pv_version_long which is the long suffix
    version. This varialble will be used to name directories tarballs of
    various plugins.
    Including paraview_version in the top level.
    This pv_version_information is make accessible at the top level. This
    will enable various plugin to name their tarballs using this information.
    Modifying all plugins to have versioned suffix + directory
    There is no mechanism to differntiate plugin builds to the ParaView
    version they build agains...