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  • miller86's avatar
    I fixed several compiler warnings where we were passing/setting an int · c94836db
    miller86 authored
    from a float/double. I had nothing better to do waiting for a trunk 
    compile to complete.
    The only one that bothers me here is QvisPoincarePlotWindow.C. The code
    I 'touched up' was, in theory, generated code. So, why was it wrong? The
    generated code (line 1335) was using IntToQString() on a plot's attribute
    that was definately of type double. I could have gone two ways; cast arg
    to int or call DoubleToQString(). I did the first; cast'd the arg to int.
    The attribute's name, singlePlane, suggested it was more a less a boolean.
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384