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  • brugger's avatar
    · 7b348e15
    brugger authored
    1) I modified the internallauncher so that parallel jobs launch properly on
       Sandia's redsky and redsky-s systems.
    2) I modified the host profiles for glory and redsky to use hdf5 1.8.4
       instead of 1.8.7. When I used 1.8.7, there was a mismatch between the
       headers from 1.8.4 and the library from 1.8.7, causing the hdf5 based
       readers to fail. I assume that the 1.8.4 headers were coming from a
       system location and switching to 1.8.4 for visit solved the problem.
    3) I changed all the sandia host profiles to use ssh tunneling to get
       around their firewalls.
    4) I modified the visit-install-open script to turn on logging when
       installing on glory and redsky.
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384