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  • brugger's avatar
    · e779c5e4
    brugger authored
    1) I modified the ellipse build script in visit-build-open to set several
       environment variables necessary for using the intel compiler.
    2) I modified configure to define DATA_EXE_LDFLAGS, which is set to
       $ORIGIN/../src/lib on linux systems.
    3) I made some changes to visit-bin-dist. I changed the script so that it
       would no longer abort if the shared version of the hdf5 library wasn't
       present and only try to copy the shared version of the hdf5 and szip
       libraries if they were present. I also removed a message that normally
       printed out that gave the impression that something had failed.
    git-svn-id: 18c085ea-50e0-402c-830e-de6fd14e8384